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Friday, May 20, 2016

If hubby asked me to quit acting; I would oblige but I would be sad-Ene Ogiri, actress

' A male fan called repeatedly to hear my voice; said my voice used to turn him on'

Ene Ogiri, an actress,  singer and movie producer is fondly known as Miltex. She is an Idoma lady from Benue State. She grew up in Makurdi state and she is the seventh in the family of ten. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talked about her acting career and the very crazy thing a male fan once did to her.

How did you then see yourself in the movie world since you said you never had passion for acting?
I never had passion for acting just as I told you rather my passion lied in singing and I wanted to become a pilot but things didn’t work out as I had dreamt of. But I still thank God for every thing and for where I am today as an actress and a script writer, a gospel song writer and gospel song minister, a movie producer.
When did you start acting?
I started acting in 2002, took a break and came back again in 2014. Since 2014 I have been steady in the movie industry.
Mention names of movies you have starred in?
They are numerous. Let me mention few that I can remember  for now and they Sound of Poverty, Before The Rain, After The Rain, Kahani, Bank Business, Death Certificate, Broken Mirror, Heart Of A Prince. I have done well  over 50 films.
If you weren’t acting what would you have opted for?
Business! I would have been a successful business woman (laughs).
Which of the movies brought you to the limelight?
I would say Sound of Poverty because I had numerous calls from fans applauding me about the role I interpreted in that movie.
What lesson has life taught you as an actress?
Life as an actress has taught me never to look down any anybody,  that I’m not superior to anyone just because I’m an actress.
What is your life philosophy?
Respect even the smallest person you relate with because whatever you have or wherever you are  is just  a privilege.
When you want to unwind what do you do?
Please don’t let me go deep into answering this but all I can say is that I’m very naughty whenever I want to unwind.
What kind of books do you read and who is your best author?
The books I read steadily are my Bible and Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional. I love these two books.
What is the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you?
Hmm that happened  about three or four years ago, there was a guy I had never met before. He used to  call me from Port Harcourt  almost every night between  one to two am just to hear my voice. He said my voice used to  turn him on. That sounded funny. I was always picking his calls because I hardly switched off my phone. So, he kept on bothering me. In fact, he frustrated my life at a point after I had threatened him and it didn’t work. I reported him to God, made it a prayer point and then suddenly he stopped.
What was the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
(Laughs). Please what do you want to hear? Just know this, I can be very naughty and I get naughty on purpose but please don’t ask for details.
What puts you off about being an actress?
What puts me off about being an actress is when people find it difficult to differentiate my person from  roles I interpret in movies.
If your hubby should ask you to stop acting would you oblige him?
I would oblige him  but that would make me real sad. So, I pray earnestly he doesn’t go there because I love acting. Acting makes me happy and if he truly loves me he should rather help me build on my talent, encourage me to do better, becausehe met me as an actress , so why take from my happiness rather than adding to it? Right now  I’m still single. So, I don’t have such problem now and I pray it doesn’t come.
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
My ideal man is one who sincerely loves Jesus, not just a Christian by name and this is because any man who sincerely loves Jesus will love his wife and do her right, not because she is perfect but because the word of God says the husband should love his wife.
Let’s talk about fashion a bit, can you define your style?
I have a very strong control over my life. I’m not carried away by vogue and what is hot in the fashion world. So, fashion to me is any cloth that fits and I’m comfortable in it.
Fashion is all about covering ugly sides  and flaunting sexy sides, what part of your body do you consider sexy?
First and foremost, every part of my body is sexy, good and very ready to be flaunted. And fashion in this contest  for me is the more you cover the better. So, among the good and sexy parts God has blessed my body with is my height. My height is beautifully  obvious and I love it.
What fashion item forms a huge part of your wardrobe?
My bras
What fashion item can you spend  huge sum on and why?
Shoes, I love shoes a whole lot.

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