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Friday, October 07, 2016

‘I’m now waiting to become a funky grand mother soon-Chioma Toplis, actress

She is a mother, a wife and an actress. She is naturally beautiful, well endowed and knows how to package herself. Little wonder at events, she is always the cynosure of all eyes and paparazzi never ceased to take some shots of her. Welcome to the world of Chioma Toplis, a super screen diva. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talks about her acting career, her marriage and her lifestyle.
What else do you do aside from acting?
I’m a business woman. I have always loved business right from my childhood. I buy stuffs from London where I reside and I come home to sell before going back.

Can we get to know more about you?
Sure!  I’m from Umuahia in Abia state but I reside in London with my family. I know many divas are in Nollywood but what stands me out is that unique self confidence that I have which makes me shine. I used to work as a social worker in London. I worked with people with learning disability. I was trained for that, in fact I went to school specifically for that.

Many assume it is a job meant for lazy or uneducated people, how come you are doing it?
I told you I was trained specifically for that. If you really study and have degrees on that, you will make so much money just like every other professional job. Having said that, I got to the level of becoming a deputy manager with the firm I was working for before I left after working for about five years. I must say that I enjoy my work and would do it again if need be. But for now, I have stopped.  I know many would ask why did I leave if I was getting good pay. I have been confronted with this kind of question on many times.  One of the reason's I left was because my acting career was suffering and leaving the job would give me enough time to combine my business which was still on going in Nigeria while I was working and then pay undivided attention to acting. Also because I like being my own boss, that was why I left the job. And believe me, I have not been doing badly since then.

What have you done to give back to the society?
Well, I have put smiles on the faces of those who watch my movies. Through acting I make people laugh, I make them  happy. They  learn lessons of life from my roles which I deliver accurately.

What are you doing lately?
I have been busy building other branches of my businesses.

You are married, do you think marriage is a bondage as some assume?
To me, marriage is not a bondage. This is my personal opinion, I know  everyone has different answers about what marriage is. That’s their  own opinion , we are all individuals and created differently so what works for Tom may not work for Harry. Also everyone has their own life partners in life, if you haven't met the one made for you marriage would continue to be a bondage. I give God all the glory for making me locate the man made for me and on time too. Heaven helps those who help themselves. So, to answer your question, I would say marriage is not a bed of roses, it needs lots of God's guidance and wisdom. God has blessed me with what it takes to make marriage work. Mine has been blissful.

 You have been fashionable irrespective of being a plus-size lady, what’s the secret?
Being fashionable has got nothing to do with size or age, if you know it you have known it. If being fashionable is in you, it is right there and it manifests. But if you don’t have it in you, nothing would manifest no matter how slim you are. It is as simple as that.

Can you differentiate between fashion and style?
Knowing one’s personal fashion sense and being confident in it is what style is. While fashion is not personal, it is a general thing with its rules.
If that is the case, what is your personal style?
 My personal style is daring! I always like to be myself and wear clothes that express the unique and fabulous person that I am.

How do you see motherhood now?
I think I’m passing that stage of motherhood where you need to monitor the kids very closely because they are toddlers. But now, I’m about reaping my hard work or the fruit of my labour.  I’m enjoying being free from certain things now as my children have become grown ups . I’m now waiting to become a funky grand mother soon (laughs).

Can you describe your husband in a few words?
 My husband is a rare gem. I never thought that I would meet any man who would tolerate me, especially my shopaholic habit.

Is he not angry about your scanty wears/outfits?
 No, he is not! My husband loves me for who I am. He doesn't try to change me or force me to become what he wants.  That I think stands him out from other men, who think that their wives/women are slaves and are meant to be in bondage and not have a life because they are married to them. But is not like that. Everyone can see I’m not in any kind of bondage. I am so free, that does not mean that I do not consult him before I do anything, but as long as that will make me happy his support is fully guaranteed because he does not want to see me sad. I cannot trade him for any amount or any silver or gold in the world.

Is he wealthy?
He is not mega rich but we are happy and comfortable. I’m happy with him,  I have been in this marriage for over 20years so I know what I’m talking about.

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