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Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Who is a potential adulteress?

A model
This topic is honestly somehow! I didn’t want to write it in the first place but just as other topics that have been carried on this column, something led to it. Yes, something initiated it. I want to apologise to women/sisters this story would be referring to but you see, at times, one needs to point out some facts, if we actually want to address it.

Remember I said an incident brought up this topic. What happened was that I met a sister in the Lord whom I have known for over 12 years now. I never met her husband because the man had long traveled out before we met. She has three children but her husband traveled out of the country when she was pregnant with their last child who is now 15 years. The hubby has never seen the baby of the house first the first time except on Facebook! This simply means that this my friend’s hubby has been away for a decade and half without visiting home for once. She would be quick to tell you that the advancement in technology (Whats-app, Facebook, Skype, twitter), has made it easier to be communicating with her man as if he was here in the country with her. This is the answer she gave me when I asked how she had been coping without him for 15 years. Then she would also be quick to tell you how he has never for once failed to send money for the upkeep of the family.
I thank God with her for the advancement in technology which has helped to bridge the gap. I guess some other sisters in her shoes would also be humming same thanksgiving  tune. But the fact still remains that no matter how advanced telecom industry is, Oga’s vacuum can’t be completely filled. You needed to have seen how my friend was stammering when I asked how she has coped all these years without her husband’s sweet nothings after letting her realize that money is not the only thing a healthy marriage needs.
That was when she became sober and started stammering. “Hmm, it’s true he has been away for a decade and half now. It has not been easy for me. Though he sends money home, but just as you said money is not everything. Can you imagine that my children now see their father only on Facebook? My first child was barely 10 when he traveled out, my second son was three while the last one was barely two months in my womb when he jetted out. Since 15 years, I have not seen my husband. He has not even visited home for the first time because of his tight schedule over there,” she chuckled.
You begin to wonder how my friend who was 28 years old when her hubby traveled out and now she is 43 has been coping? When I asked her, she frowned. “You don’t need to ask me that now, Sister Ada! Haba, are you no longer born again? When I begin to feel ‘cold’ and need his attention, I start reading  my Bible since he is not around. You know the Bible says we should always be in the spirit so that we don’t fulfill the lost of the flesh. What else do I need him for? I’m done with child bearing,” she enthused, avoiding having eye contact with me.
She didn’t sound convincing but when I noticed she was being uncomfortable with my questions, I decided to let her be. But I still want to point out here that a sexually starved, middle-aged married sister, is a potential adulteress. I stand to be corrected.

This pix used is a model, just for the illustration of the story and not my friend please

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