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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Every woman is beautiful-Hennie Daniels, Make-up artist

Making women look prettier gives me satisfaction”

The name Enitan Daniels,  a wife and a mother,  an accountant by profession may not ring a bell, but once you mention the CEO of Hennie Daniels Make-up, many style icons and fashionistas  who crave to step out  wearing flawless make-up  on special events would recognize the name just at the drop of a hat. That name surely is a household name in the beauty world.

 This make-up artist, who has the gift of style laced with grace sees beauty in every woman.   According to her, “what every woman who is enthusiastic to look beautiful needs is a seasoned make-up artist who knows her onions. Someone who is passionate about make-up like me.  It is the sizzling passion I have for what I do that made me brush Accountancy aside after graduation. I needed  just to pursue my dreams. I thank God today that I’m good at what I do and my clients can attest to that,” she said, with a broad smile.
 Wonder how this came to be? How she built her passion  into a career?  She said it all began on a sweltering Friday afternoon at White House Hotel, somewhere in Toyin Street, Ikeja , Lagos  where she went for  a modeling audition but unfortunately, they had picked the number of models they needed before she arrived.  “But I refused to give up.  I went straight to meet one of the organizers of the fashion show that was scheduled for the next day , Mrs Olayinka Eyinfujowo,  the CEO of Catwalk Studios and she told me the space for models was filled up. But that she would take me in as one of her ushers for the fashion show if I didn’t mind.  I accepted!
“That gave me the opportunity to be at the back stage and watch how professional make-up artists made models up. I observed how serious they were at what they do and what inspired  every colour of foundation  they chose. It was that very day that my passion for make-up artistry  hit the roof  and there and then, I decided to go fully into it.  That was how my journey into make-up world started. Though it has not been easy but it has kept me gainfully busy.  I have been enjoying every bit of it to be frank. I don’t get tired of it. And to crown it all, I love making people look prettier, and that is what gives me the major satisfaction,” she enthused.
This amazon who is utterly content with her life as a make-up artist unveiled some common make-up blunders most women commit.  “I have realized that some women who may not really have the right knowledge of make-up application or make-up products tend to go wild on it. For instance, you see a very dark lady wearing a completely light shade of foundation or powder with an exaggerated brows and heavy  blush.
“Another blunder is wearing the right makeup to the wrong event. That is why before I start work on any client, I must bear the kind event she wants to attend on my mind. Reason being that there are different types of make-up for different occasions,” she said, her smile hovered slightly and then returned full blast.
According to the beauty aficionado, another important factor to bear in mind while applying make-up  is the colour of your outfit and accessories. “I always ask for the colours of the attire and accessories before I commence because that would also determine the colours to choose when it comes to lipstick and eye shadows,” she enthused, adjusting on her swivel chair.
Although there is a magnetic pull between her and make-up which is very glaring when she is at work, but that does not rule out challenges. “Of course, there are changes, no doubt. The first and major challenge is when a client wants you to do a makeover that would take you one hour or even more for just 30 minutes. Some of them are in a hurry and they want you to hurriedly do make up for them and still expect the make up to be flawless and perfect,” she said.
Want to know her opinion  on false eye lashes some ladies wear that look more like feathers? “That’s another blunder. False lashes should enhance one’s beauty especially the beauty of the eyes and nothing less than that. They should look as real as the natural lashes.  Then for the eye brows, eyebrow  pencil should  be lightly drawn and not too thick. Some ladies tend to follow rigidly what they see on the faces of their friends forgetting that everybody has  different  shape of the face  with different  eyebrows. What may look good on you may be different on someone else.
“Remember too that using a very dark eyebrow pencil or using a wine- coloured -pencil for the brows not knowing where it should stop or start from is also a serious blunder.  Eye pencil should be applied to the lash line as close as possible, ”she gesticulated.
To her numerous clients and fans, she has some words. “Don’t forget that every make-up product has an expiry date or its life span. Check the expiry date first before you buy. Or better still, if you notice that a particular make-up has a foul odor, then watch it.  Cream foundation stays up to 18 months while liquid foundation (oil free) stays up to 12 months from my research,” she nodded.
As a professional make-up artist, “ be ready to work on any type of face. No matter how bad a face is, your job is to bring the best out of it.  For a face with pimples, patches or acne, it is ideal for such a face to be treated first. I believe working on them and having them cleared is the best option before the application of make-up because if make-up is applied on unclear pimpled face or any form of blemishes, that would make it worst or clog more pores,” she said, on a final note.


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