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Monday, July 30, 2018

I beat 29 beauty contestants to win Face Of Fashion Africa 2018-Christina Edem

 My height and charisma stood me out-Christina Edem Miss 2018 Face Of Fashion Africa

Christina Uyai Bassey Edem, a Cross River state born beauty queen and a model is indeed beautiful. Little wonder her parents named her Uyai, a Calabar name meaning beauty (which her friends and family prefer to call her). A graduate of Project Management from Bluecrest University, Accra, Ghana is fun to be with. In brief interview  with ADAEZE AMOS this fashion aficionado unveils her lifestyle and her passion for fashion.

Can we step into your world the more?
Sure, you are welcome!  I’m the second to the last born in my family. I’m an orphan, born and brought up in Abuja. I studied Project Management  at the Bluecrest University, Accra, Ghana.  I’m a model, a dancer (I’ve done stage plays with Krump Dance Studio) and a business guru. To crown it all, I’m an amiable lady, very loving and I derive Joy in seeing others succeed.
What is Face Of Fashion Africa all about?
 Face Of Fashion Africa is not just an ordinary pageant.  It is a platform that celebrates the beauty of Africa and this includes different African foods, our way of life, languages and attires.
Face Of Fashion Africa  pageant was held in Abuja and I represented Ghana. We were up to 30 contestants and after an online voting, 10 contestants were voted out and we were 20. I was one of the 20. In fact, I was the fourth in number that was picked. We were then camped and that marked the beginning of another drilling after which seven aspiring beauty queens were dropped and we were 13 in number that made it to the final stage. The pageant took place on the 6th of July this year. 

Were you nervous on runway?
 I was nervous really.  But on the outside I looked so composed with my sweet smiles. I was so regal with my catwalks  that I was picked by the judges as part of the top seven and that gladdened my heart and increased my confidence.
Were you able to answer your questions correctly?
I answered them well, very correctly. You know the judges were looking for brains plus beauty. So, questions came up I gave the right answers boldly and at the end of the day I had tears of joy streaming down my face when I heard my name being called out as the  Face Of Fashion Africa 2018.

What actually stood you out over 29 others?
What stood me out was the grace of God. Yes, God’s grace gave me a diamond-studded crown. Then of course my charisma played a great role. My height and mind-blowing style of my attires  contributed as well. In all, my ability to be able to train and learn all that was taught in the camp helped me tremendously.
How many ladies contested?
We were 30 in number then after online voting, 10 were dropped.  Twenty of us were picked and taken to the camp. Then 13 girls made it to the finals. My height helped me a lot.  I happen to be the tallest (giggles).

Now that you are a beauty queen, what changes has the crown brought to you?
 I’m still humble and friendly. This crown would open greater doors for me, this I’m sure of. The crown has added to me really. It is there on my head, reminding me that I’m a queen now and that a queen should be graceful and presentable always, even after her tenure.

How do you intend to touch lives with this platform?
As face of fashion Africa, I am going to empower African youths and women. So that they can be independent and start making a living. I plan to achieve this by working hand in hand with Face Of Fashion Africa Professional Entrepreneurs on different skills and companies. I will also see to it that the government creates skill acquisition programs where   different types of skills (such as hair making, makeup, photography, baking, Ankara craft) would be taught. That surely will  fetch youths and women  some money instead of waiting on white collar jobs that may not come.
I will also be working on my pet project which I tagged Hope .This will be basically centered on giving back hope to the hopeless in the society in my own little way. Reason is that while I was growing up, my parents used to tell me that givers never lack. I’m willing to give my time and efforts in order to restore hope to the people who need hope by helping them in everyway possible. Remember the Bible says when you edify others you edify yourself and that has been a part of me since childhood.

As the Face Of Fashion 2018, what does fashion mean to you?
Fashion means a person’s sense of dressing which  includes whatever  that makes you comfortable  and fits your body frame.


  1. Thomas Zara Lydia30 July 2018 at 12:52

    Great interview beautiful, proud of you darling

  2. This really awesome charms great work continue to shine 🔆 bright...

  3. Yeah nice one that's my paddy for life...she is always exceptional and full of courage

  4. Am proud of you sis❤❤❤

  5. Awwn big sis you killed this interview keep it up����

  6. Wow this is interesting,you killed it my queen

  7. Nice. I know you would go places.
    More grace upon you

  8. Greater heights love... I’m proud as always

  9. Cousin ❤❤��������
