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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Experience of 2014 Ebola outbreak in Liberia is helping us to tackle Covid-19 - Korto Davis, Liberian actress cum CEO KD International Film Festival

'If this  pandemic  should attack  Lollywood, starting all over  again will be  challenging'

  • Korto Davis
Although  so many people in Liberia have tested positive to  Corona Virus  and some were even  killed by it but one other thing  that bothers  Korto Davis, a Liberian actress is the fear of the pandemic attacking Lollywood ( the Liberia Movie Industry).  "My worse fear is Covid-19 attacking  our slow growing movie industry (known as Lollywood). If this happens, we would  start from a scratch and this would be very difficult for us. Reason is that  the industry was just trying to pick up, thanks to the KD International Film Festival which was founded by me with the help of my partners Ansu K Sirleaf and other friends in Nollywood such as  seasoned actor  Keppy  Ekpenyong and Shaibu. Now if this  pandemic which has ruined almost  everything should affect Lollywood, starting all over again will be more challenging. Yes,it will be a herculean task," she nodded.

There is yet another  fear which  makes her sleep less at night " I also fear of getting overweight and losing my shape (laughs loudly). Like seriously I get stressed easily when I’m idle. To overcome all these fears, I pray to God a lot and do more writings.  Of recent I started doing some short and educative comedy videos and posting them on social media everyday and then just stretch out on my cushion  and laugh at comments. I can’t wait for this pandemic to be over to start networking with my fellow filmmakers again," she enthused.
The  Liberian actress who ventured into the  acting world  some 11 years ago and later became a film producer and the Executive Director of KD International Film Festival said  that even though she was motivated into acting  by Genevieve Nanji, a Nigerian actress but that her love for  her country has not waned. "The love I have for Genevieve Nnaji  in particular because of her simplicity and Nollywood in general has not for once  made me regret being a Liberian. If Liberia had the opportunity that other countries had when it comes to talents, I would not travel much seeking for greener pastures."
Ever acted in Nollywood movies before?
Yes. One of the movies is titled  Comfort Zone. The movie is all about a lady who goes to the village and brings people’s children to the city and puts them into prostitution. I honestly didn’t like my role in that movie. But  I did it so well that it fetched  me my first award  from the Nigeria Entertainment Awards in USA. I went to the United States of America  to pick my award. Then I later got my first Hollywood job as well. The movie is titled  Fatima’s Revenge. I played  the lead role in that movie and was being paid well.
Is Corona Virus also hitting Liberia? If yes how is the country coping with that? What are they doing to nib it in the bud?
Yes, Corona Virus is in Liberia. What is helping us tackle it is based on our past experience from Ebola in 2014. The idea of washing our hands regularly,  wearing face masks and keeping  physical distance are not new to us. Also the Liberian  government has put in place some strong safety measures like suspending all movements/travels and  public gatherings  to help stop the virus from spreading. We have a total lock-down in Liberia as well.
Can you name some of the movies you have starred in?
Fatima’s Revenge, Providence, Hell’s Gate, Wheel and Deal, Crazy Maid, Just one Kiss, Comfort Zone, Heart Attack, The Mechanic Girl, Living with Trisha (Series) Well, though comfort zone made me win my first award but Fatima’s Revenge brought me to limelight.

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