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Sunday, May 10, 2020

We have over one hundred confirmed cases of Corona Virus in Sierra Leone -Henrietta Mbawah, Sierra Leonian actress and Gender activist

  • Henrietta Mbawah
 Henrietta Mbawah is a Solewood  actress,  a filmmaker/movie producer,  a director and a Gender Activist in Sierra Leone, her country.  This is one celebrity who is proud of her country  and you begin to  wonder why. "I'm a proud Sierra Leonean who has never wished to be a Nigerian, irrespective of the fact that I love Nigerians and their movie industry," she laughs, loudly. 
"Oh yes,  I've always wished to be part of  Nollywood,  I mean, who wouldn't want to be part of an industry that has helped to change the negative  impression of the western world on Africans? Who wouldn't want to be part of  Nollywood,  an industry blessed with a huge population? Nollywood has an enviable market for crying out loud. Just look at Lagos state alone with its huge population, why wouldn't Nollywood make it big?  Checkout other big cities and commercial towns like Onitsha, Benin, Port Harcourt, Kano to mention but a few.  Nollywood is indeed blessed.  In my own case, the population of  Lagos state alone is bigger than my country. But that not withstanding, I still love my country and I know that one day, we would get there."

  • The ever stylish Etta
Henrietta sees her place as heaven on earth. " To me, Sierra Leone is a paradise on earth.  A country I love so much. A safe haven of a sort. Yes, I love my people no doubt! And that is why it  gives me so much pain when I see the way and manner  this wicked virus  is 'eating us up'.  We have over one hundred confirmed cases of Corona Virus in my country as we speak and that pains me honesty. I don't sleep well when I remember how deadly this virus is. I am so sacred and worried especially for our doctors, nurses  and  all our health workers who are the front liners. May God continue to  strengthen them."
She buttressed that Covid-19 has  brought a halt in Solewood in the same manner it did in Nollywood. "This pandemic is not only affecting Nollywood, it is also making a negative impact on Solewood.  For instance my partner and I  lost some huge money as a result of the cancellation of our two international events that were to be held in Sierra leone last month. All  expenses gone!"
 According to her,  social distancing would affect the industry a whole lot. "It is going to affect movie production in Solewood which would also result in huge loss of money. But I wont because of money, risk my life now. There's no money that will make me go on set now until this storm is over;   my life is  important to me," she said, as a matter of fact.
Her prayer at this critical period is for "God to give me,  my immediate and extended families,  friends and loved ones  opportunity to wriggle out of this pandemic alive. My  prayer also covers the whole world who is battling with this unseen enemy."

  • Elegance personified
Movies she has starred in are  Next president, Saved By Grace, Prison Break, Temptation Inland, Crips Town, to mention but a few. The one she has produced are Rape,  Earlier  Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy