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Saturday, May 09, 2020

For us, there is no dull moment; we always look on the good side of life -Treasure and Tracy Daniels, Nollywood Golden Girls


  • Treasure and Tracy
Treasure and Tracy are identical twins that love acting with a passion.  These ladies who are known in Nollywood as Golden Girls  hit stardom  when  they featured in a movie titled Beloved Twins with such  popular actors as Patience Ozorgwo, Bruno Iwuoha and Yule Edochie.  And since that time till date, their acting prowess has improved.
The  Lagos-based- Nollywood acts cannot be caught shabbily dressed or seen depressed. People who know them can attest to this.  "For us, there is no dull moment; never!" Treasure began, amidst laughter.
"My sister and I have never ceased  thanking God for His mercies upon us  no matter how gloomy the situation is.  We are good at focusing  on the brighter or  good sides of life. For instance, I could remember  the time of lock-down when we were all mandated to stay at home because of Corona Virus, we kept ourselves busy doing what we love most which of course is acting. We busied ourselves acting using  the tiktok app, which  I later  posted on social media. I believe that when one has that passion of self expression through acting, nothing can stop her. The person  would always use any available platform to continue with her passion and that was what we did," she giggled.
Tracy concurred. "We know how to keep our shoulders high at every circumstance. That is one very thing  common in the Nigeria acting world. Nollywood are survivors, we know how to make something out of nothing  even at this period of pandemic. When the storm is over, we will continue with our acting career as if  nothing happened. Movie productions have come to stay. The only thing I'm worried about  is the market. So many  Nigerians would loose their source of livelihood and when this happens the number of movie buyers would decrease."

Their  latest movie titled  Twin Crush is doing well.  Also their reality TV show is  coming up as soon as the world heals of this out break. 


  1. 💋💋🤗🤗 thanks everyone

  2. Wow that's great,looking forward to see you guys on my screen.
