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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

No actor would delve into romance roles now, knowing the danger of not keeping physical distancing - Eniola Ayo, Nollywood super screen diva cum musician


 Eniola Ayo, the super screen Nollywood diva who has featured in so many movies such as "Desperate Housewives Africa (a Mo Abudu production), Classroom love (Yoruba movie), Something Strange (English movie), Estimator (Yoruba movie), The Nun (Yoruba movie), Tangled Mercy (Yoruba movie) to mention but a few," said that movie production would be damn slow because of the after effect of the pandemic.
"Production won't be the same due to Covid-19. Firstly, it would affect number of crew and cast on movie production, which would make production damn slow.  Then, social distancing would also be considered and this would surely  reduce the number of crew and cast on production set, no doubt", she enthused.

The Ogun state born actress from  a Christian home who is also  a musician affirmed that no actor would want to take unnecessary risk just to churn out movies in these delicate times. "No  actor would want to take huge risk by  delving into romance  roles that would warrant too much closeness knowing the danger behind not keeping social distancing. I personally  wouldn't try that. Why should I?
Just look at what is happening all over the world. I never knew  that in my wildest imagination a time would come when  the whole world would come to a stand still because of a deadly virus. A wicked virus  that has taken thousands of lives away, while some are still in the hospital praying for their  lives to be spared.  I see no reason why some would think its a scam. The United States alone recorded sixty seven thousand confirmed cases  as at  yesterday, not to now talk of France, Italy, United Kingdom and so on. My advice is that we should  still keep  social distancing, stay at home, if need be because  CORONA VIRUS is deadly and its real," she said,  as a matter of fact.

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