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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I admire playboys; they are romantic and sexy-Oge Nwuba, actress

Oge Nwuba  a lawyer, an interior designer,  an actress is the Chief Executive Officer of Fabulous Designs, a company that handles everything about interior decoration. She started acting in 1999. “That was when I featured in a movie titled After School Hours. That was my first movie before featuring in another one titled Suicide Mission.  I later stopped acting and went to school. I gained admission into the University of Nigeria Nsukka to study law.”

She said she had to quit acting for education because “going to school is really necessary in one’s life.  Acting is worth more than just coming to the TV and act. You have to acquire a lot of knowledge to be able to interpret your roles well. Knowledge they say is power. So, to those who are aspiring to be actors, please endeavour to go to school. With that, you will be able to speak flawlessly and deliver your lines well. Remember people are out there listening to you. Some wish you well while majority wish you would make mistakes so that they would capitalize on your mistakes and criticize you,” she stated.
Ms Nwuba has three different professions and one wonders how she runs them at the same time. “I just try to make sure none of them clashes with the rest. I manage my interior designing company, I still do some legal services by going to the court to argue cases for my clients and then I’m an actress too which of course is my passion. You may wonder if truly I go to court. The answer is yes I do but once in a while. It is true legal ethics frown at having another profession but because most of the cases I handle, I do so for humanitarian bases, nobody has actually held me responsible for being an actress as well,” she emphasized.
But how many humanitarian cases has she handled? “Many! The latest case I had was the case of a lady’s child who was 13 that was raped by a 21 year old child. I handled that one, though it was a criminal case. I was moved by this case and I had to take it up. You know many are raped but they prefer to die in silence because of stigma. They hardly come out to talk about it. But this is not right. Most people feel that the law does not cover rape properly. But the truth of the matter is that the criminal code provides for rape. But because people are ashamed to come out and talk about it, nobody gets to handle it much. Mind you, when you are raped, the first thing you need do is to go to the nearest police station to you without washing off or without taking your shower. There they would take some pictures of you. The second place to go is  your doctor where samples are taken from you for laboratory test before going to see your lawyer. By so doing, you won’t lose the case and the law would get the rapist properly punished for the crime he committed,” she advised.
Nwuba unveils some tell-tale signs of rape. “Mind how you dress. Avoid dressing provocatively to places that are compromising. You know men would always be attracted and if they can’t get what they want from you they try to get it by force.”
Though she is a lawyer, but she still acts. She went back into acting after graduation. “That was when I shot such movies as My Word, The Kingdom, World of the mind, Freedom of a nun and many others I may not remember for now. But it was My World that shot me to the  limelight,” she reminisced.
As an actress,  Oge is so versatile that she can interpret any role apart from roles that have to do with nudity. But what if in a movie role her dress happens to be consumed by fire would she refuse to remove her dress and watch herself burn? “Unless it is in that situation that  I will remove my dress but I won’t intentionally remove my clothes, remove my pant and bra in the name of acting. But I can be  very daring in romance roles. I’m at my best in romance roles. I have done a couple of such roles for instance in a movie titled My World which was pure romance I had to kiss and smooch  but that doesn’t mean anything, I was only acting.”
Then, for actors she would feel at home with  to interpret romance roles are “Yule Edochie, he is my friend. It was easier to interpret romance role with him when we were paired.  Apart from that there are male actors I really admire and they are Majid Michael, a Ghanaian actor. Did you say Jim Iyke? No, I didn’t mention him. I know he is good looking but he is not someone I’m attracted to. Not that many assume he looks like a playboy, no, far from that. I actually like playboys anyway. Yes, I admire them. Those kind of guys that can easily break hearts and not give a damn about it I those that attract me for now. But maybe when I’m serious about settling down, I may have to avoid those kind of guys.  But for now, I admire them, they attract me. They are really cute guys (giggled) and most often they are romantic and sexy,” she said excitedly.
But who is the playboy rocking the love boat of her life.? “For now, nobody! I'm actually concentrating on my career. I was initially in a relationship but we have parted ways. Now, I'm taking my time. I'm now watchful over guys that are excessively rich but not close to God. I wouldn't want what happened to me to repeat itself. You may not be stupendously rich to attract me. Personally, I'm financially independent. I learnt that from my mum who of course is my mentor. I love to pay my bills,” she said.
When she had a heartbreak, she did a couple of things to wriggle out of the pains. “You know heartbreak is painful. It really hurts but the way I handled mine was to think of the good things that happened to me. I tried to see it that it was God that allowed it to happen else it wouldn't  have happened. That belief helped me to handle it.”

Her style and part of her body she wouldn't mind flaunting? “My style is simple, classy and sexy. But I can’t wear very tight dresses. Then for the part of me I wouldn't mind flaunting is my hip. Yeah, my hip is my best asset,” she enthused. 


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