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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

To interpret romance roles it has to be Desmond Elliot or Mike Ezuruonye-Titi Oshinowo, actress

Titilola Oshinowo is an actress who has been in the make-belief world since 2006. She started her journey into the movie world with a soap opera entitled The Valley in Between, then of course with Family Ties, Papa Ajasco by Wale Adenuga, Living together, Crack in the Wall, a movie, She is also a face to be reckoned with in Yoruba movies. She has done a whole lot of roles and she says that every role she has played she did with ease. “They are things that happen out there although there are some roles I have had to turn down and they are roles that have to do with nudity. But I can accept romance roles with both hands because I can interpret them well. I can kiss on the set and that is the extent I can do. And it has to be somebody that I like or somebody that I admire anyway. Somebody I feel we can really work together.”

This is unlike what some Nollywood acts say about their choice of actors for romance roles. Some say it could be with any actor because they are merely interpreting a role. “Well, that is their own opinion. Mine it has to be an actor I admire.  It is not just any man I have soft spot for, it has to be somebody I like as a person, as an actor. If it is somebody I don’t like or somebody I have not worked with, I can as a professional but it wouldn't flow very well, thereby bringing out the best in me.”
She mentioned some guys in the movie world she can easily accept to interpret romance roles with. “It has to be Desmond Elliot, Mike Ezuruonye, I can do a romance movie with them. Then also somebody like Majid Michael, John Damelo. Yes, John Damelo, I can do that with him because and the rest of other actors I mentioned because they are good in what they do and they are good looking as well (laughs), you know.”
Are these also the qualities of her ideal man? “Well, the person must also have good morals, God fearing. Somebody I should look up to. He should be like teacher.  And thank God I have such a person in my life. This then means that I'm not searching, I have got somebody in my life. And there is strong hopes of settling down in the nearest future. I'm not afraid it would crash which is common in the movie world.”
So, she is getting her mind ready to ensure her marriage stands the test of time when the wedding bells come tolling. “When I'm married, I won’t carry stardom into my matrimony. I'm also advising my colleagues to do same. When you leave movie locations and you are coming into your home, please drop stardom outside and be humble to your man. Humility pays. When you are entering, enter as a married woman, a wife and not as a star. This is what I will have at the back of my mind. I will not bring stardom into my matrimonial home because definitely it is going to affect it.”
But can this actress settle down with a man who would stop her from acting if she genuinely loves the man? “Oh yes, I can stop acting because of him.  Why won’t I stop when I want to keep my home? I have passion for acting but if I'm married and my hubby says he wouldn't want me to continue acting, I would stop because I would prefer to keep my marriage to keeping my career. After all, it is not compulsory I become a star or I become as actress. So, if he says he is not comfortable with it and that he would want me to star I would because I want to keep my home.”
If Titi is not acting, “I will be dancing because I love dancing. And I dance any kind of music that jells with my mood.”
The most scandalous story ever written of her is still green in her memory. “Yes, that was when they wrote that I was in love with one Tunde who works with Mike Adenuga. I didn't have an affair with him, so it got me down. I don’t even know what he looks like and I hadn't seen him before. But my man still trusted me and believed that I didn't do it. And because he believed me, I stopped giving a damn about what anybody thinks of me with regards to that scandal. Thank God I didn't shed tears about that and nothing that has ever written about me that has made me cry.  I normally laugh over it as one of those things. I never cried because of something like that. I hardly cry, I'm this kind of a person that takes life the way it comes. I don’t get disappointed, I don’t get annoyed. But the only thing that I remember and I feel like crying is the fact that I have not seen my dad for the past 13 years. He is not in the country but he communicates.”
What makes this damsel happy is not far fetched. “My parents and my background make me happy. Looking at the training my parents gave me makes me happy. I love the kind of training they gave me. Even up till today I hardly go out and that was how I was brought up.”


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