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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Being a woman has never limited my success in life-Ijeoma Ezunu, CEO Divine Children Gallery

'It's good to be a woman'
‘My mother taught me how to be strong’

Amiable Ijeoma Ezunu, the CEO of Divine Children Gallery  from Anambra state, has never regretted  being a woman. This Lagos based Political Science graduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, is  happily married with three children. She is one woman who decided to take a plunge into business and she is at home with it.
Reason is that she has on her finger tips ways of overcoming challenges in the business world.  Those challenges that have consumed so many business women. Wonder what is it that she has been doing right? “What I have been doing right is that I make sure I try my best to overcome  my financial challenges. I do this  by first and foremost taking my time to invest well. Before I invest my money in whatever business I want to, I take my time to ponder over it. This is important. It helps me not to fall into a ditch and see myself regretting it at the end of the day. And when I invest and the business starts booming, I don’t spend my profits on things that are not necessary,” she stressed.
This amazon said another thing she puts into consideration is the people that patronize her. “My clients are important to me. I don’t take them for granted.  When there is need to explain or educate them on something, I’m game. Trust me, I give them my undivided attention  bearing in mind  that customers are always right. This key point has been paving ways for me,” she enthused.
Women are known for doing a whole lot of daunting tasks at the same time and this Divine Children Gallery boss  is one of such women. Little wonder she  easily combines her duties as a wife and mother with her business. “For everything  one does in this life, good planning  is paramount. I have learnt how to plan well right from my days in the university even before I got married. So, when I got into matrimony, I started paying detailed attention to things some women may consider mundane. I give my time to my family at the appropriate time and same attention to my business in such that none has ever suffered. Believe me, I try to be organized. And I advise my fellow women to take this into consideration for it shows. Reason I’m saying this is that when you saunter into the home of an unorganized woman, you would know without being told. So, let’s try to be organized, for it pays,” she nodded.
Does this mean she is comfortable in her own skin as a woman? No regrets whatsoever? “No regrets at all! Why should I regret being a woman?  I believe that my sex can never limit my success in life. It’s all about what you believe in. I believe that I’m a daughter of Zion, and that I have my own quota to contribute to my life, family and society. So, being a woman has never in any way limited or posed a hindrance to me,” she said, as a matter of fact.
Care to know the very Nigerian woman she admires? “My mum of course. My mother is one Nigerian woman that I admire a whole lot. It’s not only because  she is my mother but because she is a strong woman, despite all the discouragement she had in life, she persisted and today she is successful. My mother taught me how to be strong in life. Then another woman I admire is Okonjo Iweala. This woman is one great woman who has always stood her ground despite all accusations.  With these two women I mentioned, I have always felt great and privileged to be a mother/woman. Surely, women are special creatures,” she said.
Where she derives her strength and inspiration from? “I derive my strength from God, then encouragement from my mum and published stories of other women,” she said, on a final note.
'Being a woman has never limited me in life'

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