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Monday, November 09, 2015

Lepacious Bose and Queen Shelly Ogbise: Two of a kind

Queen Shelly
Five striking similarities of Lepacious Bose and Queen Shelly
Take a closer look at these two damsels. Did you ask who they are? Well they are Lepacious Bose, a known Yoruba movie actress who has started featuring in English movies and Queen Shelly Ogbise, the current  Miss Curvy Culture, 2015. They have a lot in common.
The first similarity is that the two divas are celebrities who are doing what they have passion for.
Secondly, they are black beauties who believe in the slogan ‘black is beautiful.' Meaning that  they are proud of their complexion. Hence, they never used bleaching cream in their lives.
Thirdly, they are both fuller-figured and are not timid in any way because of their size. They are proud of who they are and they are comfortable in their own skin.
Fourth similarity is that their arms are still firm and toned. Can you beat that?
Fifth  is that they are both well read. Though Bose is an actress, but she is a lawyer by profession while Queen Shelly is a Computer Science graduate.
Lepacious Bose

It could be these similarities that made Queen Shelly look up to her as a role model. “Lepacious Bose is one of the ladies I admire a lot. In fact, she is my mentor,” she says.


  1. Wow this is amazing , black is a true african beauty, I will agree with you , both of this ladies should come together and do a movie or something

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