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Saturday, November 07, 2015

My husband now interested in his son’s mother (3)

This is the conclusion of Theo and Philomena’s story started penultimate week. When Theo’s mother brought Stella the lady that had a son for Theo and her grandson (Theo Junior), there was chaos in the family.

When Theo Junior asked her grandmother what she would be calling Philomena, Theo’s wife (his father’s wife), the question was ignored. Theo’s mother then called Stella. “The lady who would have been my daughter-in-law, please come. This is Philomena, my son’s wife. She has been a good wife to my son, hmmm, but it’s just that her womb has been under lock and key since ten years she has been married. She is barren and only God knows why. I think she has to thank you for coming to her rescue. Now that you have brought a grandson to me, I would give her less stress and let her be. But she must respect you. You have free access to this home, after all, my son is the father of your son. Feel free to visit at any time, nobody would ever stop you because you have made me proud and made my son a father. I was a laughing stock in the entire Umuojima village because of Philomena’s bareness but now I think I’m fulfilled,” she said, not giving a damn if Philomena was hurt.
The two ladies (Stella and Philomena) stood looking at each other for a while before Stella dropped the bombshell. “Hmm, Mama,” she said, gazing up to Theo’s mother. “My son asked an important question but you didn’t answer him. Maybe you were busy or you didn’t have the right answer to his question. He asked what he would be calling Philomena, your son’s wife. Let me say it now that he should be calling her Auntie and not Mama or Mum since I’m alive. That would make it easier for us all so that when my son calls mum, I would know I’m the one he is calling. Anyone who wants to be called a mum should be pregnant, carry it for nine months, push the baby, that’s when the person deserves to be addressed as such. Mama that’s what I want to say,” she said, stealing a quick glance at Philomena.
“Okay Stella, you are right. Let him call Philomena Auntie. Whatever you say here is supported,” she nodded.
That was when Philomena opened up. “I’m not even interested in whatever this little boy calls me-Auntie, Sister, Mama, whatever. I’m not bothered at all. That is less of my problem for now,” she said, tying her wrapper stronger on her waist.
Stella raised her hand indicating that she had more things to say and Theo who had been keeping mum asked her to talk. “Another thing is that I want to ask for a favour. I would like Theo to allow me live here with my son pending when I would get an accommodation else where. I was working in Umuahia, Abia state capital until I was transferred to Lagos where the headquarter of the company where I work is. Please, I don’t know anybody I can stay with. Mama please help me beg Theo to accept me. I promise not to come in between him and his wife,” she enthused.
Theo agreed, not consulting with his wife. He gave a tangible reason for accepting to accommodate Stella and his son. “It’s okay Stella, you can stay. This would give me the opportunity to bond with my son whom I hadn’t seen since he was born. I need to bring him closer to me, and teach him some things he needs to know. I would tell him a lot about his family. I’m glad you gave him my name and surname and that is what he bears in school. Thank you very much for being there for our son even when I denied you. So, why should I refuse you this single favour. My guest room is free, you can move in there with my son. And then the kitchen is roomy enough for you and my wife. You can cook here, I hate buying food from outside. Even if you were doing it before, you have to stop that habit now that you are here because of my son,” he said.
When the family meeting was over, none of them put Philomena into consideration. She too was short of words, though she wasn’t happy that Stella and her son were coming to live in her matrimonial home without her passion. When Theo’s mother went home leaving Stella and Theo Junior, Philomena Tried to forge ahead as if nothing happened. Before she could wake up, Stella had already woken up, cooked for herself and her son before leaving for work. Theo would take his son to school first before going to work. All was going on well before Philomena started complaining very seriously. “I started complaining when my husband would spend most of his time with Stella, discussing and chatting in the living room. My husband who used to watch TV in the master’s bedroom, now prefers to watch the one in the living room with his son and Stella. He would be there till 2am not caring if I need him in the room or not. I called his mother on the phone to complain first and what she said was what I was able to achieve all those ten years her son had been sleeping with me. That I should leave his son alone for once. I wasn’t surprised to hear that from her. She stopped liking me when she felt I couldn’t give her grandchild since ten years her son had been marrying me. I have complained several times to Theo and he only told me that he was trying to bond with his son and that if I’m not comfortable with that, I’m free to leave. That was a shocker. My husband is a different person all together ever since Stella and her son came in. He spends more time with them. They have lived six months in my house and with the way things are going, Stella is no longer interested in looking elsewhere for accommodation. I’m contemplating relocating to Sapele and live with my immediate elder sister until Stella leaves. But a friend told me that if I should do that, my husband may end up impregnating Stella again. That I would be the loser. Please what should I do?”
  • Readers,  please counsel her.
Re: My husband now interested in his son's mother

Dear  Philomena,

You have been married for ten years without pregnancy and your husband, Theo has now accepted Stella and her son, the pregnancy  he once denied some ten years ago.  Your mother in law ridicules you for not having a child and Theo has abandoned you for Stella.

I would advise you to cheer up, seek medical advice and medication if you have not yet done so.  If you are medically certified fertile to have children, then the problem could be with Theo.  If he refuses to go for medical check-up and treatment, you may relocate, because if you continue to stay with them in the same house, the frustration and humiliation may cause you high blood pressure and health challenges. Ultimately, divorce him and get another husband, now that you are still young.  Stella is literally the first wife and you being a second wife, is against Christian ethics.



You must face the fact and get to know the course of your barreness. If the fault is yours, my advice to you is that you should move out of your matrimonial home and get a strong guy that would regularly have sex with you and move on with your life. Reason is that you may not be having regular sex with Theo your hubby because he is occupied with Stella and his son. So, take a walk and forge ahead with your life.

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