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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Our mum joked that we were born two seconds apart-2Sec, musicians

‘Lamborghini is one of our dream fantasy cars’
They became very popular when they released Lamborghini their previous single/video. They are too identical twins that you might mistake one for another.  Their stage name is ‘2Sec’ and they are not new name on the Nigerian entertainment scene. Welcome to the world of  Onyisi and Agiliga whose other songs  ‘Gwulime’ a single they sang in their dialect, ‘Club Banger’ and ‘Ma-Fowo’. These dudes  have calved a niche for themselves after touring  round the country with such music legends as 2Face Idibia alongside DammyKrane, Solidstar and Vector. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS they talked about their musical career, lifestyle and dress sense.
Though you are well known in the musical world, but can you introduce yourselves and tell us some other things your fans may not know about you guys?
We are 2Sec (Onyisi and Agiliga). We are from a family of 12 and we hail from Onitsha Ugbo in Delta State.
How did you come up with your stage name 2Sec?
Our mum always joked that when my brother and I were born, we came out so fast that it felt we were born in two seconds apart.
‘Comfort is the major factor that determines our dress sense’
What actually inspires your songs?
We are inspired by everyday life occurrences- by the love, happiness and other emotions we experience. We also like to create songs that would reach out to our fans easily. Yes, relatable songs that would speak to people at various times in their lives. Hopefully, songs that would hold your hands and encourage you when things are tough or rough.
Your single ‘Lamborghini’ what actually inspired it? Including others as ‘Ma-Fowo’ and ‘Gwulime’ the one you sang in your mother tongue?
Lamborghini is one of our dream fantasy cars. And the inspiration behind it was having our dream ladies in our dream cars. And of course the level some guys would go to impress girls with flashy cars. Then, for ‘Ma-Fowo’, Kuk Beat the producer gave us the melody to work on. And while writing the lyrics at home, our mum started singing some lyrics, a song she danced to as a young girl. It was King Sunny Ade’s song and the rest is magical history. Then for ‘Gwulime’ which means living life to the fullest. This was released during one of our town’s new yam festivals. That was an opportunity we ceased to express love to our people, our tradition and culture while appreciating our hometown as well its great people.
You are too identical, how was your childhood? Were there times your friends mistook one for another? What about dating? Did your girlfriends find it difficult differentiating between the two of you?
Our family could always differentiate us. So, we didn’t  get into mischief at home as much. Our dad probably is the one we always tried to trick and most times we got away with it. However, for our friends, telling the difference between us takes a bit of time as they need to notice the slight differences in our appearance and mannerisms
Still talking about your childhood, what were some experiences you had that you still remember with great nostalgia?
Although we can’t remember others but our first birthday party was the most documented event in our home. All our siblings remember it and it was a very happy day in our house . We had videos and so many pictures from that day. There is an amazing picture which still sits in our living room with all my siblings. We do not have another picture like that in our home.
How different are you guys in terms of temperament, talent and general outlook in life?
Onyisi does all the singing. He is short-fused and stubborn (that’s what our mum says). He is more of an extrovert. Then Agiliga who raps is more rational and easy going. Although we are different in many ways but we have same philosophy, faith in God, hard working, kindness and honesty.
You have toured round the country with legendry 2Face Idibia, DammyKrane, Vector and Solidstar, what would say was the most memorable experience with regards to this?
2Baba’s humility was amazing. He made us feel comfortable, he gave us advice on the industry and never hoarded the spotlight. We hope that one day we would return the good will to growing artistes.
How did you both come up with the passion for music? How did you nurture this passion till the time of its fulfillment?

We  have always loved to perform, as kids, we did all sorts; from drama, dance to miming in primary and secondary school. The unending support from our family combined with our passion for performing made the journey worthwhile.
What about your course of study in the university?
Agiliga has bachelors in Banking and Finance while Onyisi studied Computer science. We both graduated from university of Benin.
What thrills you most about your musical career?
The artistic freedom we have to create whatever kind of music we believe in  thrills us most because that represents who we are and what we hope the people would love to hear. Being independent recording artistes thrill us also  because we love the flexibility it gives us to experiment.
Who are some national and international musical artistes you admire and why?
Fela paved the way for the genre of music we love and try to emulate. We also admire 2Baba because of his voice, vibrancy and humility. Then of course Jay Z is another artiste on the list of those we admire because of his rap and business acumen. Chris Brown is also one of them because of his dance moves and unpredictability. The thing is that there are a lot of great musicians.
Can you relieve your first musical performance before a large crowd. Were you both frightened?
God gave us confidence along with the talent. So, stage fright was never the issue.
What was the craziest thing a female fan has ever done to you?
A girl once tried to drag Agiliga’s trouser off him on stage (giggles)
A bit on your love life? Who are the girls in your lives?
None for now because we are always busy
What inspires your dress sense?
Agiliga: I prefer to be casual while
 Onyisi:  I’m  a hip-hop dresser. Comfort is the major factor that determines our dress sense.
What is your style signature?
Agiliga: I prefer the shades
Onyisi: I  don’t wear glasses a lot but when I do, I’m a clear glass master.
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe and why?
AgiligaI :  I love boots
 Onyisi: I’m a great fan of flat shoes.
Are you designer label freaks?
 It’s not really about the designer, we just love being comfortable and we often feel the African dressing especially when it is mixed.


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