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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Attention beauty queens: Make good use of your platforms- Christina Edem, Miss 2018 Face Of Fashion Africa

'No beauty queen should idle away her time'

Face Of Fashion Africa 2018
One very beauty queen who is not happy with the way some beauty queens just fold their arms doing nothing while their tenure tick away is Queen Christina Edem, the Miss 2018 Face Of Fashion Africa. “I wonder why a beauty queen shouldn’t do anything to reach out to humanity using her platform. There is a whole lot to be done in our society for crying out loud. This is unfair! And they usually promise to do heaven on earth immediately they are crowned. You hear most of them promising to touch lives and reaching out to the down trodden. But it is funny when their tenure starts, they throw their promises away,” she fumed.

So, if you are a beauty queen and all that you do is to sit before your dressing mirror and admire your beauty for hours, applying lipstick and eyebrow pencil, this message really concerns you. Or you are just there  slipping  into your mind blowing couture, with a diamond-studded crown on your head,  a long beautiful sash across your shoulder and attend every red carpet of  glamorous events, and pay courtesy visits to governors of different states, you have not actually started. You really need to listen to what Queen Christina Edem is saying here.
Well, did you ask why this stunning beauty is blowing her trumpet? Well, for your information, she was just recently crowned and she has started doing a whole lot. For instance, on the 6th of August to be precise, this drop-dead-beauty pulled off her high-heeled shoes and slipped into her snickers for ‘Say No To Drug Abuse Campaign’ which  involved a road walk in a 20 kilometer road walk in Abuja. There was also a lecture and workshop on drug abuse related issues. Want to know the purpose?
“The purpose is to eradicate one of the biggest threats that is facing our society today, creating awareness and emphasizing on the negative effects of misusing drugs. This will help keep our youths off hard drugs,” she enthused.
Did you say the Calabar born beauty queen is resourceful? “Yes, I have decided to be resourceful and make good use of my platform. I have to give back to humanity, no matter how small. That was why I joined Tagwaye Foundation who organized the campaign, together with Nollywood stars to do something for the youths of my country. I’m not stopping at that, I’m willing to do more, trust me! So, I hereby challenge my fellow beauty queens to do something. Don’t just sit and idle away your time. Time waits for no beauty queen,” she bemoaned.
Face Of Fashion Africa with Tagwaye Twins, founders of the foundation

Face of Fashion Africa Queens with Nollywood stars
Face Of Fashion Africa Torurism 2018 with the Tagwaye Twins
Face Of Fashion Africa Queens with King Tonto and Faze
Face of Fashion Africa with MC Stainless 

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