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Monday, August 06, 2018

Make-up artistry has taught me to love myself the more- Sophie Keyen Wapi, Make-up Artist

‘At first, make-up for me was to make myself appealing and cover my dark skin’

No one takes care of dark skin/complexion more than Sophie Keyen Wapi, the modest but quietly accomplished CEO of SophieKeys. Incredibly creative with colours and focused in the art of eyebrows and fixing of false lashes, tying of headgear (Gele) to mention but a few, Sophie has steadily built her brand and driven it to such an impressive pedestal that could ordinarily have taken some other brands several years to achieve. Though she is a graduate of Mass Communication from University of Jos, but her sizzling passion for make-up and  childhood dream  for colours  made her took a plunge into make-up artistry. In this interview, with the SophieKeys boss shares what makes her tick and unveils some make-up blunders today’s women are ignorantly committing.
Sophie can we step into your jolly world?
Sure why not? You are welcome on board! In my world, you will meet one amiable lady whose name is Sophie Keyen Wapi. A  BSc holder of Mass Communication, a university of Jos alumnus currently based in Jos, thank you!

After studying Mass Communication, you took a plunge into make-up artistry, why? What really inspired your passion for that?
When I was a child, I used to paint my face with so many colours in an attempt to bring my imagination to life. I remember when I was growing up, I was called such names as Blackie, Black Face and what have you which made me feel inferior in the midst of my peers. So, at first, make-up for me was to make myself appealing and cover my dark skin. But overtime, the art has taught me to love myself, my skin and to put a smile on other women’s faces.
Name some known personalities you have worked for?
Some of them are KTMD Photography which is based in Jos, Joey’s Galleria( I worked for him during my training) and Bawti Photography in Abuja. Others have been clients and wedding guests who would rather keep their identities anonymous.
Who are some celebrities and known personalities you have beautified?
Some of them are Queen Christina Zedem, the current Face of Fashion Africa, Amina Jibrin one of the top models in Abuja and Kauna Bawa to mention but a few.
What determines your choice of make-up and colours  you use?
What determines my choice of make-up are skin type, theme of the shoot, clients’ outfits, their mood, or even time of the day.  For example if it is night everything would be luminous.
What is the most interesting aspect of your career?
The satisfaction/first smile on the clients’ face once they look into the mirror.
What makes your day with regards to your profession?
When I’m well paid (giggles). Or when I realize that what I love to do can put money in my pocket.
What are some make-up blunders today’s women commit and how do you think such blunders can be stopped?
Ladies please stop sleeping with your make-up on. Give your face some breathing space. You don’t have to wear make up twenty-four hours of the day and seven days of the week. Let your pores breathe. Get professional help to determine what suits your skin. Try to purchase original make-up products, it’s for you own good.

“At first, make-up for me was to make myself appealing and cover my dark skin. But overtime, the art has taught me to love myself, my skin and to put a smile on other women’s faces”


  1. Well done Sophie!!!
    I'm very very proud of you even though I'm wayyyyy younger than you
    But still....

  2. Sophie has been a long time friend of mine & I must say she has come a long way. Determination is her watch word.
    More power girlie!!

  3. SophieKeys is one of the most determined ladies I have come across. Since our days in S.L, once she makes up her mind, we shall know no peace till her goal is accomplished.
    Keep on keeping on dear and remember us when you hammer ohh!!
