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Thursday, March 05, 2015

Guess the sexiest part of my body?

I don't dress because of people, I wear things that make me comfortable -Mimi Orjiekwe, actress
Mimi Orjiekwe, actress, a beauty queen and style aficianado is a Nollywood  actress who has featured in so many movies including Igbo movies. She tells ADAEZE AMOS what makes her tick

When did you start acting?
 I started acting in 2009. That was when I shot one or two movies and I dropped and went back to school and got back to acting again in 2012.

What did you study?
I studied Business Administration. So, I joined acting that period, then after that I went back and finished my studies. I also had my MBA from University of Abuja. Then came back into acting in 2012.

So, how has acting been?
Fine! Fantastic.

But why did you opt for acting and not business since you studied Business Administration.

Well, I'm a kind of girl that likes red carpet things, show biz, fashion, you just name it. When I was in school, I loved to dance, I still love anything that has to do with showbiz. So, when I got into school, I continued. And actually, what prompted that was during my school days I was Miss African Queen and during that competition, one of the judges who happened to be a movie director got me involved in two movies which I did very well. So, from there I decided to come back into movies after my graduation. The title of the movies are 'A Royal Madness' and 'Save The Prince'.

So, apart from those two, what are some of your other works?
There are so many of them. I did 'Secondary School Girls', 'Mission To The Grave', 'The Blind Game', 'Another Man's Wife'. In fact, there are so many of them.

Which of your movies has been most challenging?
None actually, none! But 'Mission With The Grave' was a bit challenging because I shot that in the bush where I had to stay right inside a bush for like one month. The movie just came out and it was very nice. In the movie, I had to climb trees, did a horse ride. I did many things I wasn't doing before. I turned to become a man because I was meant to save some people and all that. And I had to stay in the bush for a long time. It was challenging. The stress was just the challenging thing and not that it was something I couldn't do.

Who are those you look up to in the movie industry?
In the movie industry, I just like the actress whose name is Genevieve Nnaji because I grew up watching her movies and she was doing it right. She was taking up her roles correctly. Apart from her, every other person has been coming up well. They are all good but I really like Genevieve.

What is the most annoying thing a fan has said or done to you?
Oh my God, you mean recently?

Yes, recently
Well there are so many things but recently, I have refused to chat with some of them on Facebook because some started cursing me, abusing me, telling me Omotola is better than me. They went ahead to tell me I'm stupid and all that. There was a day I was on a motor bike to the airport because I was about missing my flight. So, I had to get on the bike to the airport, just almost close to the airport and one person saw me and asked me 'are you the one that shot the movie and you are on a motor bike?' I was so embarrassed that day.

You look beautiful, what do you to maintain your beauty?
Nothing, I just eat well, diet well, do everything right, rest as well, and that is it.

What do you do to keep some of your male fans that want to get intimate at bay?
I'm just nice to everyone, say hello to everyone at the right time. Don't over- give them your time and then be nice, that's all.

If you were not acting, what other things would you have been doing?
I would have been into business. Even as an actress, I still do business. Not because I studied Business Administration in school but because I like money and I like to do things that would bring money to make life easy because in as much as I love my job, it is not going to give me all the things I need. So, I try to do other things that I can get my hands on.

What other things?
Well, I work with my mummy in Abuja. She is a contractor. So, I try to use her company to get one or two things for myself.

Where are you from?
I'm from Enugu state.

Do you speak Igbo?
Yes, I do.

How do you feel about the fact that Igbo films are gradually fading?

Well, that is what we trying to do. We are trying to bring it back. In an interview I had sometime ago in Igbo Amaka TV, they asked me the same thing. I said number one we have to start by answering our Igbo names in the industry because a lot of people answer Henry Oliver, Mary Jones and they don't have their Igbo names attached to them. I answer Mimi Orjiekwe, at least my surname tells where I come from.

So, would you take up Igbo roles and deliver well?
Oh yes, why not? I have done two Igbo movies already and I tried my best in those movies. But it wasn't easy because we were not allowed to say any English word. The director was helping out, so, it was fantastic.

What was that naughtiest thing you have ever done?
I cannot remember any right now. I have done a lot of naughty things in life. So, I can't remember any for now.

How would you define your style and the kind of clothes you love to wear?
I wear what I love that makes me look simple. That makes me comfortable. And not because of people. I don't dress because of people. I wear things that make me comfortable.

What is the sexist part of your body?
My eyes because people always tell me they love my eyes.

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