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Monday, February 09, 2015

What thrills Adewunmi Oyedele in life

Making people look their best thrills me’

Adewunmi Oyedele
Ondo State-born Adewunmi Oyedele is married with a son. She is a make-up artiste and describes herself as a procreative artiste at Molara Makeover because she has unequalled passion for anything that has to do with beauty from the outset. Though she studied Computer Science at the Lagos State Polytechnic, she has fervent liking for beauty and make-up.
 This good looks expert does not hesitate to tell whosoever cares to listen some common beauty blunders that are common in our society.

“One of the beauty blunders in our society is ignorance of the right shade. When your foundation does not blend with your complexion, there is no way that foundation would come out well on you. Another common blunder is applying too much foundation on the face. So many ladies in this part of the world get carried away with make-up in that they apply so much on the face and end up looking caked up. The third common blunder is becoming very rampant and that is over drawing eyebrows and making them look funny. Also, using dirty make-up brush is another blunder which can make oil and dirt to be transferred to the face thus causing acne and break out,” Oyedele explained.
 Her beauty routine, according to her, is a must.
“That is why I keep glowing. I will like to share the secrets of my good looks with my fellow women so that they know the right thing to do when it comes to beauty. I cleanse my skin in the morning and night. I don’t use ordinary soap; I shower with a body wash that works for me. I use good moisturiser on my hands and body everyday to make them soft. I also must get rid of body hairs on my legs, do my facial steam at home with warm water and towel, ex foliate, cleanse, tone and moisturise before going to bed.  I try to avoid sleeping on my face to avoid wrinkles and grease from settling on my face. Of course, I don’t joke with my make-up. I go for the best make-up and avoid the fake like a plague. What I must not do is to sleep with make-up on. I know that would cause a great damage to my face. I wash my make-up, cleanse and moisturise so that my facial poser would have enough breathing spaces,” she revealed.
 Oyedele definitely relishes what she does as a make-up artiste.
“I'm happy with my job because making people look their best thrills me. I derive joy when my clients are excited and satisfied with my professional touch on their faces,” she emphasised.
For older ladies who love to wear make-up, she has some words.
Adewunmi Oyedele
“For older women’s make-ups, especially, foundation should be focused on hiding your ageing marks like wrinkles and scars. Then, for your lipstick, use lighter shades of colour, matte lipstick, matte lip gloss unlike younger ladies that may likely use shimmery glosses,” she counselled.
Adewunmi Oyedele

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