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Thursday, October 22, 2015

‘My kids and I are coping well without husband’

‘Whenever God says it’s time for me to remarry, then let it be’

With just a quick glance at her, you can tell who she is. The delectable Yoruba movie star Iyabo Ojo, is a mother of two who stepped out of her marriage with her children some years back when perhaps it became hellish. She says her life has been blissful and her business flourishing  ever since she took those bold steps. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talks about motherhood, life as a business woman and an actress.

You have been excelling in the Yoruba movie genre, but who lured you into the movie world?
Bimbo Akintola
Can you name movies you have starred in?
I have starred in over 200 movies. Some of them are Botife, Bofe Boko, Ololufe, Agogo Ide, Igbako Esan, Eromi, Oga, Iyan Ogunodun, Wole Akudaye, Omo Gomina, Arinzo, Silence, Beyond Disability, Black Valentine to mention but a few. These are the ones I can remember off hand. Apart from Oga, all the movies I mentioned were produced by my humble self.
You have an NGO, what is it all about?
My foundation is a none governmental organization for kids with disability. We help and show support to such kids and we also support the old people’s homes.
What motivated this NGO?
I love helping children with challenges. Its an all female organization, its owned by me and my friends and we make every support together and that’s what makes it unique.
You are a mother of two, an actress, a movie producer and a beauty therapist, how do you cope with all these?
I cope well. I’m an organized fellow, so I always plan my schedule well. And I have able hands and good workers who help me.
Why did you delve into beauty and spa business?
It’s because I love fashion and beauty. They both go hand in hand. I also love taking care of myself and  enjoy relaxing. I know body massage is the best way to relieve your body. So, I decided to invest into it. Having seen it’s another thing I’m passionate about. I have all the right equipment and product in my spa.
You have been popular over the years without relenting. What is your staying power?
My staying power is God. Because with Him on my side, I can never go wrong. Also, I’m very hard working and ambitious. The willingness to always explore my new ideas to the world and step up my game plans has also added to my staying power. I have always been humble, I have always been a giver, I have always believe in myself, work hard and I have strong faith in God.
You are a mother of two, how does it feel to be a mother?
From the first day I had my first child in 1999, till when I had my second child in 2001. I have always known the joy of motherhood is something you can never truly explain, but the feeling on the inside is the greatest feeling in the world.
How have you been able to maintain your shape and your wasteline?
I don’t eat much but I eat right and I take a lot of fruits and water.
Lesson life has taught you?
Life has taught me to always believe in myself, to be humble and good to others and never to loose hope in life. Always allow God to fight your battels and always take very good care of your kids and lastly help those you can and live to be happy. Don’t live to please the society but try to please yourself first. So, my guding principles of life is be me, be original, humble and be a giver.

To those whose marriage is not working but have decided to stay put because of what people would say what words do you have for them?

It’s a choice, remain in it to please the society and end up living a miserable and sad life and find a new path and live happily. The choice is yours, but just remember that no one, not even the society will help to take care of your kids when you die. So, the battle is yours and yours only, so it’s the right for you to be happy. I’m coping fne, very fine. And whenever God says it’s time again for me to remarry, then it would be.

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