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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New year resolutions for very heavily pregnant you! (part 1)

Check your time, it’s fast ticking, bringing us closer to new year. I guess you are excited! Your unborn baby too should be excited because the poor thing draws from you. Or have you forgotten  the truism that says, ‘show me a happy and healthy pregnant mum and I will show you  a strong, kicking baby’.
Without beating about the bush, let’s see vital new year resolutions that are ideal for you while pregnant.

 Pray constantly, even when it isn’t practical to close your eyes or fold your hands. Don’t talk to yourself; talk to God. He’s available to listen always to all your sentimental concerns and maternal worries. He’ll never get tired to hear you chatter.
 Communicate. When reading the Bible, a book or magazine, read out loud so your baby can hear too. Sing songs and talk out loud while doing the dishes, driving, and going about your daily routine, so baby can get to know your voice. Daddy can chime in too!
Eat healthy. Enjoy fish in moderation (6 oz. per week) to avoid toxic mercury levels. Avoid sushi, raw eggs, and raw meat to reduce the risk of food poisoning. Wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Lower your caffeine intake. Ask your doctor for a printed list of foods and medicine you cannot take.
Involve your husband in your experience as often as possible. Invite him to all doctor’s appointments, go shopping together for maternity clothes, and take him up on his offers to go out on late night expeditions to find the prunes and wild rice you are craving.
Take prenatal vitamins. Most of these contain fish oil pills providing DHA and Omega 3 (baby-brain-building fatty acids) minus the mercury our aquatic friends often contain. They’re safe and can help replace fish in your diet.
If fish oil pills make you really nauseous, thankfully, one vitamin called Vitafol-One, incorporates the Omega 3 and DHA nutrients without using fish oil. Doctors say do not worry too much over which prenatal vitamin you’d been taking, since you’re very healthy and already eat a well balanced diet.
Exercise every day. But don’t do anything that causes pain or discomfort. Avoid exercises that strain your stomach muscles like sit-ups. Also, avoid getting short of breath, because if you’re not getting enough oxygen, neither is your baby. Breathe deeply and evenly, imagining all the wonderful life-giving oxygen going straight to your child.
When tired, take a nap. If your stomach is upset, prop yourself up with pillows to elevate your upper body. You can also stick pillows under your belly for support.
Drink 12+ cups of fluid a day. Water is best, but you can also enjoy pasteurised juice, tea, and soup.
  Take lots of photos and keep a journal of this amazing experience. Chronicle your journey from the initial bump, to funny cravings, and first kicks and conclude with the blessed event.
Avoid alcohol and abstain from smoking.

Ask your doctor before double dosing on any vitamins, even kids’ supplements.
Readers please read this and assimilate them. Tomorrow, we bring you the part two of it. Stay with us.

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