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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Life as a beauty queen has taught me that nothing lasts forever- Joy Ekpoke, Miss Tourism Nigeria, 2014

‘If I were to relieve my life a hundred times; I would still love to be Miss Tourism Nigeria’
 Joy Arhwere Ekpoke, from  Urhobo, Okpe Local Government Area of Delta state is  a model, fashion designer and an ex-beauty queen. She was the Miss Tourism Nigeria, 2014. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talked about lessons life has taught her as an ex-beauty queen. “Life as a beauty queen has taught me that nothing lasts forever, so make use of your opportunities very wisely. Not everyone has got a second chance,” she enthused.

 You were a beauty queen, what was the name of the platform. 
I was Miss Tourism Nigeria, 2014
 What did you enjoy most when you were a beauty queen?
 The joy I felt whenever I had a warm welcoming or reception from people each time I visit places. When I speak people would  give me all their attention.  I was greatly honoured and accepted by everyone

 What was your pet project and how did you use it to touch lives?
 My pet project was on The Right to Child Education and The Spelling Bee Exercise for Students in the rural areas. Education is most essential in the existence of all other human rights we have. It permits each person to receive instructions and to blossom socially which is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies. Developing one's personality and identity, as well as his/her physical and intellectual capabilities is paramount. Introducing the Spelling Bee e exercise for students at  primary schools between  ages six to eleven at the rural areas provided a valuable educational experience for the children. This made them to engage themselves in a healthy competition which enabled them benefit from the fun activities of learning new grammar that prepared them in a comprehensive learning process, enhancing vocabulary, a competitive spirit, greater knowledge, cognitive skills and self confidence. To a lot of them this was new and different from the normal class dictation carried by their teachers on lecture hours and they sure wish for more.
 What legacy did you leave behind?
I was always known as the beauty queen that smiled through thick and thin. I wouldn't say it was all rosy as a title holder, there ware times I tagged my reign as "The pain and the Pleasure" but I made sure none of the displeasing times had negative effects on me. I smiled through all of this with grace because  I wore my crown with Grace. My smiles meant everything to me and that I was always complemented for.
 What did you enjoy most about your tenure?
The joy I felt around kids was the greatest. Meeting very intelligent and inquisitive kids was mind-blowing. They wanted to ask every question and eager to get every answers as quick as possible. Some kids wished to become beauty queens someday and some were privileged to wear my crown and had a photo section with me. Also the visits I made  to amazing places around Nigeria thrilled me, meeting people of great importance  made my tenure a memorable one.
 A bit on your educational back ground. What did you read and from which university did you finish from?
 At my primary level I studied at Children's Foundation School, then at the Secondary level,  I studied at Our Lady's Model School, a Catholic and a boarding school and at the University level My discipline was English Language in education at the Delta State University.
 Why haven't you been able to opt for a higher beauty pageants?
 The opportunities are still open for me to go for other pageants and international  pageants but now there is  something I want so much, an inbuilt potential given to me by God and that is  to become a great fashion designer.  That's what I’m working on now. I’m attending a fashion school and that is basic to me and soon I intend to bring something new for the world to see. Pageantry has made a wonderful impact in the development of this but I must work hard to see this dream come to reality.
 ‎What is it about your childhood do you still remember with great nostalgia?
I remember absolutely everything about my childhood. My mum will wake me up in the morning, force me to the bathroom, forced me to eat because I hated food and she would lead me to school and practically taught me everything I needed to know. Well I could say growing up is a trap because now I have to do all of these things on my own without mummy's support.
 What are you doing now? What are you busy with or working on?
I’m building myself to become a fashion designer.
 Fashion is about covering your flaws and flaunting good part of you. What part of your body can you flaunt proudly and why?
My Legs! They are straight and spotless. I have confidence when I wear short dresses on and I receive lots of compliments. (Smiles)
 If you are to advise Ifeoma Sharon Anya the Miss Tourism Nigeria 2015 who is still on the throne up till now, what would you tell her having been there?
Once a queen, always a queen, even after your reign is over people would  still want to see the best of you. That is number one, then number two is don't fake it, still be yourself. Remember that  your crown was the beginning of you and after your tenure you would still stand as an ambassador and a role model to up coming beauties.
 If you were to live your life again, would you still want to be Miss Tourism Nigeria? If yes what are your reasons?
Yes! The title Miss Tourism Nigeria was one of the biggest things that happened to me. This pushed me to a standard level of life. I did things I felt I couldn't and I attained certain things beyond my level of reasoning because the moment I thought about something,  I already had the confidence. I had fifty percent of it done and I worked towards it, all of these I learnt to do during the long one week camp before I was crowned a  queen. Thanks to the organizers of the events who brought in intelligent personalities to groom us, these people made me feel like I could make anything happen no matter how difficult it may look. If I were to be reborn a hundred times I would still want to be Miss Tourism Nigeria
 What very lesson has life taught you as an ex-beauty queen?
Life as a beauty queen has taught me that nothing lasts forever so  make use of your opportunities very wisely not everyone has got a second chance.
 What is your life philosophy?
If you don't plan for the future, you will be left with no choice but to accept that which comes your way. Be calm, think and look beyond what you see, There's a lot in store for everyone.
 Who are the ex and present beauty queens you admire and why?
 The ex beauty queen I admire is our own Agbani Asenite Darego. She was The Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2001 and the first black African to win the Miss World pageant in 2001. She is an expression of  natural endowment African people  and noble qualities of Nigerian womanhood; a symbolic spirit of the new Nigerian nation and renaissance of our cultural values.
She's touched the lives of so many females around the world with her volunteering humanitarian works. She completely embodies the true values of bravery, determination and hard work. She braved the odds, rose above her limitations and turned the world into her runway. she inspires every female to live their dreams as hard work pays.
The present beauty queen I admire is my very friend Queen Collete Nwadike the 2014 Miss Tourism Nigeria and the Present Exquisite Face of the Universe. I call her the Ideal Black Nigerian Woman. She wears her crown gracefully. She is ,a true fighter, a sister soldier, the unpaid organizer, a divine care taker and the sole family upholder . she's a queen with a difference.
 What is the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you?
At a fashion show during the red carpet section, a strange guy walked up to me and said:’ I've been after you for a while now and all I just want to do is pull your nose’. And before I could say a word to him he pulled the hell out of my long nose and said ‘you're too pretty did you fall from the stars?’ For a second I was out of words and the red carpet host was hitting on that so much through out the event.  I would smile and ask myself "For real,  did that happen?
 What is your selling point?
My smiles. They are my charm, it stands me out and gives me  the confidence I want.
  What stands you out on the red carpet?
The ideal dress I wear with the best colour  stand me out. Then of course, my lovely hairdo, moderate make-up, nice pair of shoes, a clutch purse if necessary then the lights and camera is all mine.

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