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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Careless lifestyle can affect your unborn baby- Medics

When you miss your flow, remember the first thing your doctor places you on is vitamins. Don’’t ignore or keep them under your pillow. Your fetus has need of them. Remember, your baby’’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy. So it’’s important you get essential nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, and iron, from the very start. Prenatal vitamins are available over the counter at most drug stores, or you can get them by prescription from your doctor.
If taking them makes you feel queasy, try taking them at night or with a light snack. Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy afterward can help, too. Also, do the following at this period: Remember to stay active: Don’’t begin to lazy about because you are pregnant. Staying active is healthier for you. Regular exercises will help you control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and help you sleep better. Plus, getting into an exercise habit now will help you set a good example for your child after it’’s born.

Brisk walking is great activity for most pregnant women, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Listen to your body while doing it so that you don’’t overdo it. Better still, practise Kegels Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and uterus. Done correctly, this simple exercise can help make your delivery easier and prevent problems later with incontinence. This can be done anywhere and it is only you that knows when you are doing it.
You can practice kegels in the car, while you’’re sitting at your desk, or even standing in line at the grocery store. Here’’s how to do them right:
– Practice squeezing as though you’’re stopping the flow of urine when you use the bathroom.
– Hold for three seconds, then relax for three.
– Repeat 10 times. It’’s very effective. See your doctor when you experience any of the following: Being pregnant, especially for the first time may be confusing because you are inexperienced. That is why your doctor is there for you to help you if you experience any of the following problems below:
– Pain of any kind: Complain to your doctor and not ignore it because you have pain killers.
– Strong cramps: You are not supposed to experience this when you are pregnant, after all you are not expecting your flow until after delivery.
– Contractions at 20-minute intervals: You need to see your doctor for this especially when you are not due for labour.
– Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid
– Dizziness or fainting
– Shortness of breath
– Heart palpitations
– Constant nausea and vomiting
– Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints)
– Decreased activity by the baby.


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