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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Women are the spice of life-Patience Alim, business woman

‘Women have done well in every facet of life’
Patience Alim,   from Benue state, a Public Administration graduate of University of Lagos is one woman who is proud to be a woman and thanks God from the depth of her heart for making her not only a woman but a wife and a mother. “Whenever I’m asked how I feel being a woman, I see that question as an interesting one. Hence, I usually smile while answering it.
In fact, I’m very proud to be a woman in a male dominated society as ours. Women have been able to make their mark in every chosen field or career they found themselves. Women have done very well in every facet of life. In fact, in every key position we found ourselves, we deliver. Reason is whatever a woman sets her mind to do, she goes all out to do it well. Being a woman is not what one decides on her own anyway, God chooses the sex of a person, that is why I see my sex as a woman as  being divine.  And I strongly believe in the popular cliché; whatever a man does, a woman can do even better’. I think women are already having their ways now in Nigeria, I believe we will get to our desired height in life,” she nodded.

Guess what? What thrills this amazon most about being a woman “is being a mother and able to carry a baby in my womb for nine months. Men can't do this. Besides, I don't want to see man/woman thing as a competition. Reason is that everyone has his or her role to play so as to cohabit peacefully,” she enthused.
She points out a particular area where every Nigerian woman needs to pay adequate attention to. “I think women need to lay more emphasis on girl-child education. Because the more educated women are, the better for us all. It would enable us know our rights in the society and form a formidable force to reckon with,” she stressed.
She also advised women to gossip less. “Women engage most of their time gossiping, this is not fair enough. Let’s do away with unprofitable things as back stabbing, gossiping, malicious attitude to mention but a few.  I think a forum should be created to sensitize women on how to channel our energy positively and as such we won't be seen by our men as second class beings,” she said. 
She feels great being a mother. “Being a mother is like being a god of a sort. Bringing another human being to this world is not an easy task but it is a thing of joy that can't be explained except one experiences it as a woman,” she giggled.
 According to this black beauty, women ought to be celebrated all the time. “Women need to be celebrated because they are roots of life. God almighty chooses women as vessels to bring forth lives into this world, so what are you talking about? Honestly, without women, there won't be humanity, there would be no life. Any occasion without women is often boring because we are the spice of life. I think I deserve to be celebrated too for being part of these special specie,” she gesticulated.
She recalled how she grew from girlhood to womanhood. “Growing from childhood to a woman was filled with challenges and fun. I grew up under the supervision of my grandmother who practically pampered me and taught me a lot about what it takes to be a real woman/mother. I still remember that as a child, I lived partly in the village with her, so looking back into those days, I remember vividly the tales by moonlight and how I played with my peers,” she reminisced.

Patience still has the Nigerian women she admires on her fingertips. “ I admire women like late Dora Akunyili, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, late Fumilayo Ransome Kuti and host of others.  These women had/have their heads high in what they do/did and are exemplary women to emulate,” she said. 

With all that women have been used to do in this country, she still wonders why some women feel unfilled when they have all female children and no male.  “Women who yet to have male children should not feel unfulfilled nor see it as a challenge. In so far as they were still able to bring children into this world is worth thanking God for. They have fulfilled God's purpose for life. Women who are being confronted with this challenge should focus on God in prayers, because God is the ultimate decider of our fate. I pray that God will answer their prayers,” she said, as a matter of fact.

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