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Friday, August 17, 2018

Beauty queens like flowers add colour to humanity- Queen Kera Egwolomena Edafearedhe, 2018 Most Elegant Girl In Delta State

‘Everything about beauty pageant makes me happy’
  Kera  Egwolomena Edafearedhe, from Ozoro in Isoko North Local Government Area says some beauty queens who allow their beauty get to their heads should have a rethink. “Most beauty queens after attaining their position tend to forget how they got there and become proud. I believe they should constantly be reminded of where they were coming from,” she gasped.  She told Adaeze Amos in this interview her lifestyle and what her crown as the Most Elegant Girl In Delta State means to her.

‘Life would have been dull without beauty queens’
A little more on yourself?
 My hobbies are reading and swimming. My vital statistics are 33, 33, and 34. I’m 6ft tall. My role model is Agbani Asanite Darego ex Miss World. My aim in life is to get to the top and bring others up. My philosophy in life is no tears, no joy, no pain no gain, no stop no start. Just like that. I believe so much on the fact that My tomorrow will be better than my today and that the sky will be my starting point.
A bit on your educational background?
I’m a student of Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro, School Of Business Studies, Department Of Office Technology and Management. I’m in HND 1.
You are the current Most Elegant Girl Delta State, can you tell us about it?
Yes, I’m the current Most Elegant Girl Delta. It’s a great honour to uphold this crown. I’m so happy that my hard work brought me a great honour. I thank God almighty for lifting me up to this point and I want to say a big thank you to family and friends for their support and also to my manager for encouraging and teaching me.  I wish them all the best. I’m so happy today.
Relieve the night you were crowned and what made you won?
On that night, I was scared at first because I was representing a culture that I had never been familiar with and actually I have never been a good dancer. So, after I came out on my causal attire and  I introduced myself, my fans gave me a big cheer up. That helped me somehow. I said to myself that I can do it. So, I came out again and gave out my best for the Itsekiri dance step that caught up the hearts of everyone. I felt so good on that costume. I was bold and confident about all that I did.
What is it about your person that stands you out anywhere you are?
My cheerfulness. I make friends easily. I’m very social and I think that stands me out.
As Miss Elegant, can you truly say you are elegant? If yes, why?
Yes, I’m elegant! I’m a reserved person, even though I’m very sure.
What part of you can you flaunt with shoulder high?
Every part of me because I believe I’m perfect in every form.
What is that common blunder some beauty queens commit? And how can it be stopped?
Most beauty queens after attaining their position tend to forget how they got there and become proud. I believe to curb this is to constantly remind these ladies where they are coming from You don’t have to look angelic all the time, these ladies can move to the streets help the less privileged, render community services and this can keep them humble.
When you are down what do you do to get back your groove?
That happens when I listen to music. I love music because it inspires me and makes me happy.
What actually makes you happy about participating in beauty pageants?
Everything! From dancing to the final stage. Though I’m not a very good dancer. I just love it.
What actually inspires your mode of dressing or style?
My mood!
Do you see yourself as a flamboyant dresser? If yes why?
No, I’m not a flamboyant dresser, I prefer being simple, even though everyone expects beauty queens to be flashy.
What do you think life would have been without beauty queens all over the world?
Beauty queens are like flowers, so it would have been boring without them, because beauty queens add colours and fun to the world.
What do you remember about the Most Elegant Girl  pageant with great nostalgia?
Well, the final stage when the judge was about pronouncing the winner. That thrilled me tremendously.
Now talking about fashion, what is that style you can’t go close to and why?
Wow, this is pretty difficult because I can flow  with any style. From dressing as a boy to being a pretty little Barbie.( Laughs) I believe every fashion counts so I can’t go with anyone.

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