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Monday, August 13, 2018

Help! I’m on the verge of losing my life-Dominic Agada

Help! I’m on the verge of losing my life
-Dominic Agada, accident victim
Two years ago precisely on the 2nd of November  2016, Dominic Agada set off for an important mission. He boarded a bus but he never knew what would befall him that day. He never had any premonition about the fact that his journey would not end well. “I didn’t have any sign nor premonition that I was going to be involved in a ghastly motor accident that day, if I had known, I would have cancelled the trip and stayed at home,” he commenced, in an emotion laden voice.

He said he nearly lost his life on the spot but that God saved him as some people were not as lucky as he was.  “I was lucky to be a survivor. However I have been battling for about 2 years and eight months and I have with the help of God spent over three million naira to fix only one leg. I am still undergoing treatment in the hospital for multiple fractured bones and I have run out of resources and the finances to continue. I am in so much pain right now and my life is at risk if I’m not able to pay for the remaining surgeries as soon as possible,” he paused, suppressing  tears.
When he couldn’t suppress his tears, he allowed it streamed down his cheeks but still managed to speak out. “I’m appealing to all Nigerians and the world at large for assistance to enable me round up my surgeries of the second leg. Presently, the hospital is asking for two million naira to round up my surgeries but as a result of my health condition, I have not been able to raise a kobo to that end. Raising funds have been impossible as my family and friends are all drained from helping me physically and otherwise,” he said, choked in his tears.
“This is why I’m crying out for help from all kind hearted Nigerians to please come to my aid to save a life today and as you do so, God in heaven will reward you greatly. Thank you in anticipation of your kindness towards saving my life,” he enthused.
Readers, please let’s save Agada Dominic from dying. He needs a left knee replacement surgery, hip surgery, tibia and fibula surgery to walk again including physiotherapy for six months. So, he badly needs our financial support no matter how little. His account details is Agada Dominic, Diamond Bank, 0086882458.

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