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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Lurrenzo mourns late Muna Obiekwe

Nollywood is sure missing Muna Obiekwe but Niaja babes crazy about his acting style will miss him more.- Lurrenzo, actor/movie producer

 Lawrence Rapuluchukwu Onuzulike, fondly known as Lurrenz(o) has got style and swag. This Nollywood actor and movie producer graduated from Komvux Uthbildningen, Sjobo, Sweden where he studied Swedish Language. He also studied Creative Writing at Writer Bureau, Manchester. He lives in both Sweden and Nigeria. He talked about his personality, lifestyle and his wardrobe.

 Life  in Nollywood
 Life in Nollywood has been both awesome and chaotic. This is the first time I'm staying almost two years at a stretch in Nigeria and I've learnt a lot. I met many great people and I also met many funny people. I don't know if you heard that while I was shooting a movie last year someone brought SARS to my movie set and I was arrested. Only to get to the station for everyone to start begging for me to forgive them.  SARS apologised profusely and said the person lied to them and the person when he discovered that he has cross the boundary started begging. The next day, I went back to my set to continue my movie. This shows that there's a lot of envy and bad blood in the industry. Instead of uniting and collaborating like the musicians do, in Nollywood it's all about hatred, envy and trying to destroy others reputation.

 Late Muna Obiekwe and Nollywood

 Muna's demise is still a big shock to me. He's a very jovial person. We shot Best of Enemies together in Asaba and he was supposed to be in my movie Bloomsberry Hotel but he wasn't feeling very fine. He made me move the resumption date twice until I had to replace him with Daniel K Daniel. Nollywood's history can never be written without the mention of Muna Obiekwe. Nollywood will miss him greatly but Nigerian girls

who are ever crazy about his acting style will miss him even more.

Some  lessons life has taught me

 I learnt that to survive in Nigeria you have to be suspicious of everybody. You have to know people don't honour contracts, that people including adults lie without shame, even while mentioning the name of God. I've learnt that you must know someone very much before doing something with a person. And that you must never rush into marriage until you know the person very well. If I list what I learnt in the past one year, they're many.

Nollywood and press

  Most of my colleagues are crying fowl about the press just like the musicians are crying fowl about piracy. Most musicians pay for their songs to be pirated at Alaba and they're quick to claim that piracy is ruining them. In Nollywood, people that are desperate to be known leak nude photos and shocking stories about themselves to the press to creat scandals and make name. When the scandal gets out of hand, they blame the press. But that doesn't mean the press  sometimes don’t get extra hard on celebrities, especially the female stars. Generally I'll say the press has been fair on me.

How I derive inspiration

 At the early stage of my life when some things weighed me down, it was extremely painful and very difficult to start again. But when my close friends pointed out to me that some of the things happening to me are caused by the people who are jealous of me, people who can't stand my success, I decided to start ignoring certain things and continue what I love doing. So when I'm weighed down by certain things, I draw up energy to start up on my new book, music, movie or on anything that brings me happiness. I must say that I'm surrounded by the best friends anyone can wish for.

What my  acting career has taken from me

 Yes a few things. Many people don't ever remember that I've done music or written books. Nollywood is time consuming. It's either you give it all or you give it nothing. I love studying but since I immersed myself fully into acting and producing I've not had the time to pursue any new course. In fact, I've not even traveled outside Nigeria for more than one year now.  But I'm not complaining because I love what I'm doing.

My life and scandals

 I may say that I don't have many scandals, like weekly and monthly scandals as many of my colleagues but that doesn't mean I've not had one or two. The one I'll classify as serious was when someone who used to be a friend brought SARS to my set. That was last year. But I've moved on to bigger things

Life philosophy
 My life philosophy is that we must all learn to forgive because there will always be provocation before God releases our blessings. So whenever someone provokes me I try to forgive because I believe it's the devil trying to fight my blessing which is on the way.

Craziest thing a male fan did to me

Recently a male fan rushed and hugged me on the red carpet screaming. I was like, what on earth is going on here. When did I become so big as to make people scream like this. It all came down when the fan quickly grabbed his phone and called a friend and said Blessing like seriously I'm standing right here right now with Tchidi Chikere. At that point everyone burst into laughter. It was quite a crazy moment

 What puts me off people
What has shocked me most is what I called bare-face lies. That's when adults lie shamelessly to spoil other people's names.

My love life

After I announced to my friends early last year that I was looking for a wife, I didn't know who  passed the message around because my life suddenly became a circus. All manner of women started appearing from every angle. Suddenly my movie set was filled up with middle aged women who were more interested in my personal life than in acting. While a few of them respected themselves, most were unbelievably crazy. Seriously, I didn't know there are so many crazy and desperate people out there. It wasn't easy at all. It was a period of my life I never wished to witness again. I'm glad that I finally found true love right now. I'm in a very happy place in my love life right now.

Fashion and menfolk
 I've always reiterated that I still don't understand the reason behind Jalamia. Maybe because I've not stayed long in Nigeria since 1996. I still don't understand the idea of men wearing gowns. It seems like they like it though. And I still don't understand the idea of Don Jazzy wearing pyjamas to night clubs but like they say in Nigerian parliance: all join


 I think Nigerian women are taking this tattoo thing too far. Some of the tattoos are old and irritating. 

My style
 My style is to dress to match the occasion. I don't always over dress or under stress, but in all I just be myself

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