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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Rita Dominic bares her mind on 2015 election

Rita Dominic bares her mind on 2015 election
“I have thought over the 2015 election carefully, and I have decided to bare my mind on it.
Firstly,  I will like to make a passionate appeal to my fans to be peaceful over this election,  remembering that  there will be  life after 2015 election.  We should not
murder relationships and in extreme cases take human lives  just because our candidates of choice are  different.  We all should know that we have the right to choose whoever we want. Hence, no one should be slayed for exercising his/her right.
 I want to let everybody know that I will be supporting and voting for President Goodluck Jonathan. I am making this open because he has affected my immediate constituency which is Nollywood more than any president in the history of Nigeria. He built roads, Benin- Ore road and Ibadan- Lagos road which is near completion, federal universities in almost all the states of the federation. He maintained peace in the Niger-Delta, resuscitated railway lines and did a couple of other things. So, I have a strong conviction beyond reasonable doubt that Jonathan will lead us to a very good place.
So strong is my conviction that we (Audrey Silva, the company that I co-owned with my manager, Midred Okwo) shot a video to support his re-election.
For those who wish to know, we did not demand or we were not paid a dime for this. It was purely done out of conviction. So, come February 14, 2015, I will be on the queue to cast my vote for PDP presidential andidate President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. I am not saying that he is perfect, but considering the times we are in, he has done very well.
Please I urge you to vote for candidate of your choice and let us continue to be our brothers' keeper.”


It The Green Eyed movie to hit cinemas across Nigwas all glam and fun yesterday at the popular N-Tyce Restaurant and Lounge for the first edition of the AFRO POP MUSIC #PopParty.
The Popular Cable TV station were also celebrating their artiste of the monthSKALES .
The event which had artistes like Omo Akin, CDQ, M-Kaze, Emma Nyra perform, was hosted by Oga Boss ILLBLISS himself.
Other artistes in the building included Samklef, Orezi, Saeon, Suspect, Praiz, Fefe, Kel, Jaywon and others
It was all glam and fun yesterday at the popular N-Tyce Restaurant and Lounge for the first edition of the AFRO POP MUSIC #PopParty.
The Popular Cable TV station were also celebrating their artiste of the month SKALES .
The event which had artistes like Omo Akin, CDQ, M-Kaze, Emma Nyra perform, was hosted by Oga Boss ILLBLISS himself.
Other artistes in the building included Samklef, Orezi, Saeon, Suspect, Praiz, Fefe, Kel, Jaywon and othersSKALES HOSTED AS AFRO MUSIC POP ARTISTE OF THE MONTH

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