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Friday, January 22, 2016

Models are not given their due attention in Nigeria-Nkem Madubuike, model, 2015 Miss Nigeria contestant

‘My sense of fashion stands me out’
Nkem Madubuike is an Abia State University graduate of  Environmental Resource Management.  She contested in 2015 Miss Nigeria Beauty Pageant but she didn’t win, says she would try again this year.  In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talks about her modeling career and challenges Nigerian models are going through.
You participated in Miss Nigeria last year and you didn’t win, how do you feel about that?
I felt bad as a human being because I was hoping to win. But I have not lost hope. I am planning to enroll again. But I tell you, I felt bad when I couldn’t win last year, so bad that I almost gave up my modeling career which I had been doing before I enrolled for Miss Nigeria beauty pageant.

Having experienced it, what is your advice to Miss Nigeria aspirants who would want to contest this year?
My advice is that while in camp, they should be themselves. Study hard while you are there because you would definitely face judges who would ask you questions while you are on the stage. The person moderating the pageant would also ask you questions. So, be ready. These days, nobody crowns a queen that is empty-headed no matter how beautiful you are. And of course don’t forget your prayers because it is just the grace of God that can see one through.
What part of you did you flaunt on that night of the pageant?
My legs. I have got hot legs.
What beauty rituals do you observe?
I don’t have any (giggles) People are usually surprise when I say this. My beauty is God-given, natural and natural beauty endures even without adding any enhancement. What I do that helps to keep me glowing is that I drink water, yes I drink enough water especially in the morning. I do what I call water therapy that helps to cleanse my system. You know when one’s system is clean, it gives room for your skin to glow. That’s the fact! I also work out. Though I’m naturally slender, I still find time to work out because it is healthy to do so.
Who are you aspiring to be like in the beauty world?
Ezinne Akudo because she is someone that knows what she wants and goes for it. She has vision and her vision makes me push harder in anything I do.
Were you frightened when you were doing your catwalk during the Miss Nigeria beauty pageant?
Yes, to be honest I was scared, frightened so to say. I usually have this stage fright whenever I climb the stage. I would overcome it later in life.
As a model, what do you think are some challenges our own models are facing in this part of the world?
Models are not well recognized in Nigeria. They are not given their due attention in this country. And that pains me because I’m one of them. We are not treated the way we should be. We don’t have an association and that is why there are lots of fake agencies. I think the modeling industry should come together  and know where the problem is coming from.
When you are dressing up for red carpet event, what do you bear in mind while dressing up?
When I’m dressing up for a red carpet event, I just keep in mind that I just have to be classy and simple not trying to be loud with my dressing or make-up.
What fashion items form a large chunk of your wardrobe?
Shoes and gowns. I love those works of arts called shoes and I also love to be seen in dresses.
What stands you out in the modeling world?
My sense of fashion stands me out.
Who are the western models you admire a lot?
Kimora Lee and Tyra Banks.
What words of encouragement do you have for fellow models?
As models, we should always work hard and never belittle anyone.
If you weren’t a model what would have opted for?
I would have loved to be a make-up artist. I have passion for making people look beautiful on the outside. It gives me joy to see a young lady looking properly made up.
To parents who think that modeling brings unnecessary exposure to girl child, reach out to them?
Hmm, my mother is one of such parents. In fact, my parents for example don’t even think there is anything good in modeling but I have tried my best to talk to them on the good sides of modeling for example a model can turn out to be a voice in a society. When Ezinne Akudo ex-beauty queen started her project, she was the example I gave my parents.
If crowned a beauty queen, what are the things you have mapped out in your heart to do?
I would establish a foundation to help empower poor widows in our society.
What is the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you?
Nothing really apart from getting my phone number from the blues and calling me up
Naughtiest thing you have ever done?
That was when I gave my friend a peck in public to make my ex- jealous.

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