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Thursday, January 21, 2016

The fact that I’m doing what I love makes me happy- Comfort Ene Ikwumonu, actress,the Most Promising Actress of the Year 2014.

I have sweet infectious smile you can’t turn your head off from’

Comfort Ene Ikwumonu is a Nollywood thespian who is known for her good will towards fellow human beings. This Idoma born diva from Benue state, precisely from a village called Olengbecho Ekeh of Okpokwu Local Government Area studied Social Studies from College of Education, Zaria. She is currently the National Chief Whip of the Actors Guild of Nigeria. And She told ADAEZE AMOS in this interview the very lesson life has taught her.
Name movies you have starred in?
I have starred in movies and soap operas such as Newman Street, Going West, Odowure, Saved, Crossroads, Faith At Crossroad, Wazobia Republic, Comfort Zone, Ejeh Mla Agaba, Yarwa Sisters, Calabar Students, Blackberry Babes, Lady of Honour, Kingdom of Kings to mention but a few.
What’s the most challenging one?
Newman Street where I played the role of a mother who lost her son and cried deeply,  feeling the pains of death. Oh my God it was emotional.

How have you seen the grace of God manifesting in your life through your acting career?
Oh yeah, the grace of God came mightily on me when CityPride Achievers Magazine honoured me with an award as The Most Promising Actress of the Year 2014.
As a model, if you are asked to sell a product or advertise it, what would be your unique concept?
To sell a product, I will sell its advantages. For instance, if it is a telecom industry, I would also sell what others don’t have for the company to have greater achievement.
What gives you satisfaction in what you do as an actress?
First being in the entertainment world is a passion, and passion brings about satisfaction and joy. The fact that I’m doing what I love makes me happy all the time.
What makes you unique on red carpet?
What makes me unique on the red carpet is my smile. I have got sweet infectious smile you can’t turn your head off from.
When you are in the midst of so many beautiful ladies competing for a particular thing, why do you think you should be picked?
I always believe in God and in myself. So, I don’t look down on myself. Also,  I see myself as a great woman even if I loose in anything, I’m always happy believing I would make it tomorrow.
Aside from acting, what else do you do?
Aside from acting, I’m a good contemporary dancer.
What is the very lesson life has taught you as an actress?
The lesson that life has taught me is never to trust anybody that comes my way, never to lay down my secrets to friends because they would use it against me. Life has taught me to be lovable and be myself. Most importantly, I have learnt to trust in God wholeheartedly. Be a giver and a helper but while helping and giving, I still need to be very careful.
Life philosophy?
My life philosophy is we meet to part and part to meet again.
When you are down, what do you do to derive your inspiration?
To derive my inspiration, I pray, sing songs that make me happy, read books that would make me sleep or I hangout with friends. I read gospel inspirational literature books.
Can you define your style?
My style is comfort, ethical and appealing.
What won’t you be seen wearing?
I won’t be seen in transparent dresses whether they are in vogue or not.
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
Clothes form a larger part of my wardrobe because I wear them. Dresses in particular because I love dresses or what you may call gowns.
What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
The naughtiest thing I have ever done happened in the year 2000 when a policeman came to arrest my mother for just grinding guinea corn, and I had to beat the hell out of the policeman because he entered our bedroom to drag my mum out. So, I became angry and beat him.

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