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Friday, January 22, 2016

Nollywood diva Ebere Agu expresses herself in new pictures

‘Sizzling hot and sexy’
One very hobby the super screen diva, Ebere Agu, says she cannot resist is photography. And she isn’t mincing words about this!  Little wonder she started having good cameras at a very tender age. Those were not toy cameras. They were real cameras  her dad gave her as birthday gifts. Perhaps, he noticed early his daughter’s love for photography.
“I started using good cameras when I was young, courtesy my dad and that was when I started having undying passion for photography. I have always knocked off boredom by striking poses before cameras. That is one of my hobbies, watching camera lights flashing at me,” she giggled.

If you have got it, flaunt it!
This morning of 22nd January, “I felt like being in my lighter mood and here I came up with these shots. So, fans what do you think? Tell me, how do I look?”

Over to you Ebere’s fans and friends. What do you really think? Is the  babe not obeying the very first style commandment that  says ‘flaunt it if you ‘ve got it?

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