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Monday, February 16, 2015

No regrets being a star-Oluchi Philips

I have no regrets being a star -Oluchi Igbokwe
Oluchi Igbokwe, nee Phillips, is married to Chief Edwin Igbokwe, widower of the late songstress, Christy Essien. She holds a Diploma in Theatre Arts, a Bachelor’s degree in English, and is currently studying Law at the National Open University of Nigeria. In this interview with, this Nollywood actress unveils her lifestyle and why she has been absent in the social radar of late.

You have been missing at social events recently, what happened?
I have been kind of scarce because I need to concentrate on my studies. I'm studying Law at the moment and it is a professional course you can't combine with any other thing. I need every concentration you can think of. That is why I have been away from social functions. I need to read my books and, honestly, I'm not yet through with my studies yet.
Did you opt for acting just to become a celebrity?
I never opted for acting because I wanted to be a celebrity. As I said before, I studied Theatre Arts, and I love entertaining people even before I joined Nollywood.
Having hit stardom, what are your regrets?
I don't regret being a star. Neither do I regret hitting stardom. That is what goes with my acting career or showbiz. The only thing is that I don’t have privacy any more. My acting career has taken my privacy.

Which university did you graduate from?
I studied English at University of Uyo.
How many movies have you starred?
I can't count, they are many.

Which is your most challenging moment?
My most challenging time was when I faced the camera for the first time. All the while, I was doing stage acting, and they’re not the same.
Which of your movies did you find most challenging?
That was the ‘Lost Kingdom’.
Which of them brought you into the limelight?
I can't really hold on to any to say that one brought me into limelight, because the different roles were all challenging.
Who would like to be paired in Nollywood to be able to interpret romance roles better?
As a seasoned actress, you should be able to act with anyone you are paired, because if you start saying I like this or that actor, by the time you are paired with someone you don't like, you won’t bring out the best in you. You shouldn't consider that for you to interpret your roles well. 

Is there any you role would turn down no matter the amount at stake?
I would turn down a role that is porn-like. Indeed, what morals are we teaching the young ones by acting a porn movie, because I can see that is what is reigning now in the industry. But good producers do not opt for porn movies.
What do you enjoy most in acting?
What I enjoy most is working with a director that will drill me and bring out the best in me.

What thrills you about being a woman?
What thrills me most and I’m sure same goes with other women, is the attention we get from the male folks. Our society says ladies first, when goodies come. In my next world, if there is anything like that, I would want to come as a woman, because I love being a woman. Ever asked why all these trans-genders turn themselves from men to women? It’s lovely being a woman.

Who in Nollywood lured you into acting?
Nobody in Nollywood lured me into acting. It’s something I opted for by myself.
Who are you aspiring to be like?
I want to be like Genevieve Nnaji; she is my role model.
Are there lapses in Nollywood you want to talk about?
The lapses I want to talk about are, most times, the actors are not given enough time to study their scripts, and also the presumption is that some of them do not rehearse with the actors before going on set. Check out foreign movies, they spend close to three months or more to shoot one. They would also have extensive rehearsals before going on set.
What are qualities of your ideal man?
The qualities of my ideal man are being a loving and caring person. He must be a sweet man in every ramification, and that's what I have got. I’m not looking at settling down because I’m already settled.
What is your philosophy of life?
My philosophy is, "don't pray to be like others, but pray to be what God has destined for you".
What lesson has life taught you?
Life has taught me to be informed and keep stepping up.
What puts you off people?
The main thing that puts me off people is lie.  I dislike people who you can't take for their words.

When you are down, what do you do to be inspired?
Whenever I go down, I start praying. Prayer relieves me a lot and faster.
Besides acting, what else do you do?
I am a businesswoman as well.
What part of you would you flaunt proudly?
I can comfortably flaunt my legs.

What is style to you?
Style is the way you do your own things.

Do you follow vogue?
Yes I follow vogue. I don’t want to appear as if I'm
lagging behind in the style world.
What is that fashion item that makes a larger part of your wardrobe?

Which style won’t you be seen in?
I won't go for styles that will expose my body.

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