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Monday, February 16, 2015

'It's a man's world but women rock it'

‘It’s a man’s world, but women still rule’
Barbara Onyekachukwu Ossai has been in showbiz for a reasonable length of time. Acting, she said, is instinctive in her. The Oguta, Imo State-born actress was brought up in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
“Acting is an innate ability in me. I didn't opt for it. Nature just fine-tuned me in that light. I have been an entertainer from youth. Though I studied Community Development at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, my passion lies in acting. Since I started performing, I have featured in a lot of movies.  ‘Days of Sorrow’ brought me into the limelight because in that movie, my mum died, and it was very emotional. I went to my bank of emotions and brought out tears. Honestly, tears flowed because it was like I was reliving my life the experience when my mother died. The death of my biological mum has been my greatest loss,” she said, her voice emotion-laden.
Because this black beauty is an exceptionally good actress, her friends and fans would always want to watch movies she starred.
“From the inception of my career, my friends and family have always been eager to see my newest act. Even in movies where I didn't come out much, I wouldn't go unnoticed,” she explained.
On romance roles, she would desire being paired with Jim Iyke for some reasons. “Growing up, I had a crush on Jim Iyke. Funny enough, he is like a big brother to me now. So, for romance roles, it would be him or my newest crush, Kalu Ikeagwu. I'm happy because I finally met him in person,” she emphasised.
But there are roles she would not accept.
“I would never have to be nude, like being stark naked. Even though I have imbibed some westernised attributes, I am a full-fledged African with dignity, morals and pride,” she said.
What excites her about her acting career is “the entire process of bringing to life what is written in black and white on ink and paper. What I like about life generally is that I am thrilled about tomorrow because it holds all kinds of possibilities. My dreams and aspirations are made whole in tomorrow which is every passing day. I don’t mind the saying that ‘it's a man’s world’. I am very positive that women rule. All of man's dealings are tied entirely to embrace and impress the woman. I would be a woman again and again,” she said.
How does she mean that women rule the world?
“We hold the key. We are the answer to every damn problem. God created us to complete the man. I will forever remain grateful to God for making me a woman because He knows that we are a vital part to the completion and perfection of His work,” she said.
Ossai listed the movies she had starred as ‘Sinful kingdom’, ‘Heart of a beast’, ‘Tears of blood, ‘Occult brother’, ‘Days of sorrow’, ‘Royal wedding’ and ‘Princess’, among others.
No one in Nollywood lured her into acting. “Just like Jonah in the Bible, I tried out the white collar job, though very lucrative, my passion was elsewhere. To live a fulfilled life, I turned to my natural calling. I am creative, innovative and spontaneous. I have always loved the spotlight, that is why I'm an actress,” she stressed.
Ossai is not aspiring to be anyone but herself.
“I'm aspiring to be a brand, better person and worthy ambassador upholding the almost lost glory of the old Nollywood,” she said smilingly.
When she had a heart-break, “I mourned the relationship, dressed in black for 24 hours, reliving the good and sad times amid tears. I then braced up for a brighter day. With that, I tried to forge ahead,” she recalled.
Who is her ideal man?
“He has to be God fearing, a goal-getter who is sound in body and mind. He should be cute and 10 times intelligent as I am. My ideal man should be someone I can learn from and who is not afraid to say things the way they are but in a refined manner,” she declared.
On her philosophy of life, she said it is: “To do the best I can to be a better person balancing the equation of life. Living each day and achieving my goals gradually.”
She speaks about what life has taught her, “Life has taught me to be the best I can, not minding the obstacles present in today's world.”
Barbara is a style devotee who thinks life would have been empty without fashion.
“Life without fashion would have been a jungle experience. I'm glad to say I look good in whatever I wear. Without sounding arrogant, I can flaunt every part of my body while trying to define my style, which of course is simple and chic,” she emphasised.

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