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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Latest about actress Henrietta

Actress Henrietta’s mum’s ill health   keeps her off social radar

Actress Henrietta of Allison’s Stand has been elusive on the social radar these days. You hardly see her at events or parties, not even the one strictly for Nigerian actors. She hardly send responses to questions sent to her on her email as she directed because of her tight schedule. Guess what has been keeping this diva on her toes?

Her dear mum is ill. Mama Henrietta’s health has given her daughter a  thought of concern really. When yours sincerely put a call to her today 19th of Thursday trying to find out why she hasn’t responded to questions I sent into her email box as directed, she was apologetic. “Ada, Oh I’m sorry that I have not responded. I have been running around because of my mother's health. She has been down for a while now. She is diabetic and her blood sugar now is so high. That has kept me worried.  I can’t stay and watch her not making a move. You know I’m her first child, so, the responsibility of taking care of her is solely mine. So, give me some more time okay? I will respond to your questions but my mum’s health comes first,” she said, softly.
Did you say she is a caring daughter? That is the way it should be.When you take care of your mum, your own children would also take care of you when you are old with weak bones.  Then, for those who don’t give a damn about their aged mums  simply because they  are now movie stars with numerous fans here and there, should  take a cue from Henrietta. Knowing that what goes round comes round.
Henrietta dear, this is to say kudos. Don’t worry your mum will be well soon.

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