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Saturday, February 21, 2015

‘I’m a very principled lady and that made me win the crown-Queen of Trust Africa, 2014

 My carriage, dress sense and composure gave me an edge over others-  Queen of Trust Africa, 2014
"I'm beautiful and  principled"
Are you planning to particiapte in a beauty pageant for the first time and you don’t know how to go about it? Then you must not miss this short story of Agu Onyeka Mayann, the Queen Of Trust Africa, 2014. She unveiled some mundane things that could make even a very stunning and beautiful lady loose a beauty crown.

 Agu Onyeka Mayann  from Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu state is a great beauty. The  23 years old, Psychology graduate of Imo State University  was crowned Queen Of Trust Africa last year. According to her Queen of Trust Africa is  “an organization that reaches out to young ladies,groom them and help them reach out to people. It gives a platform to promote culture and tourism ,” she said.
What gave her an edge over 34 other beauty aspirants that participated in the beauty pageant  was “my carriage,dress sense and composure. Those features  helped me a great lot.  Also, because I’m a very principled lady, I had to win. Simply put,  what made me win the crown was my principles. You should know that when you are standing before a large  crowd who came to watch and judges, bear it  in mind that you are representing  an institution. So, you have to be able to answer your questions well.  You have to be very articulate while answering else you would be laughed at. You need to have a good command of English langauge so that you would be able to flow. If you know you can’t speak well, don’t bother enrolling yourself because you may end up disgracing yourself, your friends and your family. And when you are being asked questions, listen attentively. It will not be proper to answer off point. And while answering, try and be audible enough. You shpouldn’t be shy, you should be bold because a queen ought to be bold. All these are taken into consideration. Because your score marks are based  on intellect, beauty,composure and perfection on whatever topic you choose for yourself. So, if you are beautiful with all the artributes of a beauty queen and you are empty-headed, forget the crown. That is why some beautiful girls fail to have the crown at the end of it all,” she nodded.
Did you ask how she beat the rest of beauty aspirants hands down to clutch the diamond-studded crown being her first time to particiapte in beauty pageant?  “Well,  Queen of Trust was my first beauty pageant. I played my cards well, I carried myself well on stage, walked well, entertained well and answered my questions very brilliantly. So,  I had to win,” she giggled.
"I walked well on the stage"

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