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Monday, January 04, 2016

Constance Nwachukwu’s Fashion resolutions for 2016

Constantly amiable

Like it, own it, rock it!
The year is still young, yes so young that if it is a baby, it would be right to consider it a new baby. This is the very time  people are still going about with their new year resolutions on their lips. And whether they would keep to their resolutions or not, is a story for another time. But the question is, what are your fashion resolutions? You may have resolved to jettison some style die-hard bad habits and pick up good ones. Or if you haven’t, it’s not late. Below are Constance Nwachukwu’s tips that can help you.
... Elegance is the word

Constance, a fashionista is also  a style aficionado/fashion designer and the CEO Fab_Fabrikz
Don’t follow vogue sheepishly: This is one of the fashion resolutions to abide by this year. Ensure you don’t wear styles just because everyone does. If you were doing it before, decide within yourself this year that you would desist from that. Consider your body shape and figure before opting for any style even if its in vogue.
If you must flaunt, flaunt what is not offensive to decent minds: This is one of the fashion rules remember? If you must slip into that mullet dress with its front far above your knees, make sure your legs are hot enough. Or if you must wear that backless sexy dress, you have to be sure that your back is perfectly smooth and spotless. Let this be one of your fashion resolutions.
Brush aside  body-con dresses if  you don’t have a good shape: Do you have a big belly button/navel and you are slipping into body-con dresses that reveal the whole size of your navel? Too bad!  Or you have a protruding  tummy and you still wear body hugging styles? Stop. This is a blunder, opt for roomy gowns to cover your flaw (big tummy).
Fond of wearing peep-toes even when your toes are ‘screaming’ for pedicure? : Are your toe-nails ‘screaming’ for care?  You need to give your feet some tender loving care before slipping into your designer peep-toe heels. Have your toe-nails filed and well polished first.
Try and admire good things on others: Ensure you drop that envious attitude of yours. When you see something good on a friend or colleague, give out a little compliment. It wouldn’t remove anything from.
Ensure your poise is intact: You have to be determined that this is the year you would carry yourself with pride. Walk  with shoulder high in your well tailored dresses. You are a lady, remember?
Decide to blend your colours appropriately: Stop that lackadaisical  attitude when it comes to blending your colours. There are colours that blind the eye, which are not meant to be worn in the day and sweet alluring  colours that can be worn even when the sun is bright. Be mindful of your colours this year.

Opt for good fabrics: Insist on good fabrics for those very styles you have been longing for. Good fabrics are durable though they may cost more.

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