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Friday, January 08, 2016

I want to use my platform as a beauty queen to fulfill purpose on earth--Ene Ochu, actress cum beauty queen

‘My life philosophy? Behind every dark cloud, is a silver lining’

Delectable Ene Ochu, a lover of Nigerian culture is the Miss Idoma Tourism, 2015. She hails from Benue state. She is of the  idoma tribe and the fifth in the family of seven children. She is an actress, a model, a beauty queen  and an entrepreneur. She told ADAEZE AMOS what she intends to do with her platform as a beauty queen.

What did you study and from which university?
 I studied Mathematics and Computer Science Education at the university of Agriculture,Makurdi.

How did you then become an actress?

I became an actress because of passion.  I joined Nollywood in November 2013 because acting has always been my passion. Surely, acting has always been a part of me.
Who are you aspiring to be like in the acting world?
I’m not aspiring to be like anybody although I admire some actors. I aspire to be me and nobody else.

Name some movies you have starred in?
I have starred in Five Men In Bondage,Dorobucci Love,Shoki Dance,Benue College,My Helper,Ogadinma,Property Palava,Heart Of Evil, Gadaffi, Rumor, Ahula to mention but  few.
Which was the most challenging one?
The most challenging was Gadaffi because I went out of my comfort zone. I did things I never thought I could do.
Which of the movies shot you out?
Dorobucci Love brought me out to the limelight
What actually thrill you most about what you do as an actress?
Being able to deliver my lines well and seeing my directors, producers, marketers, executive producers and my fellow artistes giving me the smile of satisfaction
How do you cope with stardom?
 I’m home with stardom. I try to be neutral and I’m always cautious.
Who would you love to be paired in romance roles to bring out the best in you?
I wouldn't want to be paired in romance movies before I can bring out my best. There are other things apart from romance that can bring out my best
When you had a heartbreak, what did you do to wriggle out of it?
 I mingled more with my family. I went on vacation and it helped a great lot.
What is your life philosophy?
 Behind every dark cloud, is a silver lining
What’s your most striking prayer point now that you are a beauty queen and why?
 I always pray to God to help me use my platform to expand his kingdom because at the end of the day, that’s why He has kept us. Yes to fulfill purpose on earth. So I always pray for God's grace to fulfill purpose on earth and directives on what to do so that on the last day I would have good accounts to give to my creator.
What lesson has life taught you?
Life has taught me never to give up. When I fall, I must have to stand and work even harder because the race is not for the weak.
When you are down, what do you do to be inspired?
I pray and talk to God about it, I get solutions and I’m good to go
Who is the lucky guy rocking the love boat of you life?
 That is confidential! He exists though.
What qualities of him struck your fancy?
His confidence, his zeal and maturity
What are the qualities of your ideal guy?
He must know how to treat a lady right, he must be a hard worker and he should be respectful.  We must be spiritually compatible, he must love God, must have a good heart.
A bit on your fashion sense. What is your style?
 Simple and classy
What convinced you that you are fashionable?
 For every dress I slip into, I receive 90 percent compliments
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
My shoes
Who are Nigerian fashionistas you admire and why?
B'stitches and Teni Sagoe. They create their own styles and designs. That is why even on the red carpet and on runways they are always unique .
Where do you think some Nigerian ladies are not getting it right in the fashion world?
Truth is some Nigerian ladies love to imitate, they love to be who they are not. There is nothing as good as creating your own styles and making sure you are comfortable in them as step out. When Halle Berry went on low-cut everyone loved the low-cut and she looked beautiful and a lot of people tried to do the same low cut but such a hair cut is for people who have the same head and face shape as Halle Berry's. It is not every style one sees that has to be imitated. You should be sure it suits your body type or face if you must imitate

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