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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

I always get picked for movie roles without lobbying or sleeping with anyone- Ijeoma Eneh Udekwe, actress cum beauty consultant

‘I have learnt never to be dependent on anyone’

 Ijeoma Eneh Udekwe, fondly known as Oma isn’t that popular in the entertainment industry but the pretty and sexy Enugu State born actress, beauty consultant and a businesswoman has endured in the entertainment world, no doubt. “Yes I have actually endured. And aside from acting, I’m an industrious entrepreneur. Reason is that I have a beauty/spa outlet where I sell cosmetics and ladies accessories. I’m proud to say that the business is huge,” she said, smilingly.
She started acting before she vied into business. I started acting when I was young because I have always had flair for it, but professionally I ventured into acting some three years ago and I have always loved it. It’s a passion for me but business is what I do because acting may not be paying all my dues. It’s always good for a woman to diversify in things that can fetch income for her. Than to put all her eggs in one basket,” she gesticulated.

Another career she had loved with a passion is journalism. “It is my love for the media that brought me into acting. I had this in-law of mine who was into journalism and because I loved it, I joined him. It was while practicing journalism that I dappled into acting. How it happened was that there was a day he called me and sent me a script online to rehearse. I was to interpret the role of a worried mother with a sick daughter. It was a Federal Government sponsored project. I delivered my lines well, it was fun and tasking as well. I felt happy seeing someone like the popular actor Saka (Hafix Oyelowo) as one of the acts. That was how acting started for me and since then, I have never stopped. I have featured in some movies and soap operas, in fact, they are countless. But the few of the movies I have starred in are  Mother, A Hit Lady, A witch doctor to mention but a few,” she recalled.
This amiable lady said that what thrills her most about her acting career is that “it’s fun pretending to be who you are not and doing it well. Before then, I’m used to going for auditions and casting. And the beauty of it all is that I always get picked without lobbying or sleeping with anyone, though I hear it happens in the industry. I think it’s my ability to deliver and carry out my lines that does the tricks for me,” she nodded.
Udekwe said the major weapon one must hold firmly if you want to do well in acting and journalism is good command of English language. “You must know how to speak and write English. Yes, you should have a good command of the language, That was what helped me when I was working in the news department of a TV station. Then, my boss was always telling me that I have the face and the look to be on TV. And because I could speak English flawlessly, my interest in journalism grew. The desire to learn more about  broadcasting made me enroll at the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) where I learnt the basis in Radio/TV presentation. And for the past one year, I have been handling a live program on Radio where I discuss beauty issues, problems and solution to callers – its Rainbow 94.1 FM on Mondays 1:30pm, its called BEAUTY CORNER. This I had been doing before I started acting. And I’m always proud to say that my love for media that actually motivated me into Acting,” she enthused.

Apart from radio presentation and acting, “I am also a beauty consultant; I do everything about beauty from make-over to hair, face, body, nail, wellness consultancy. I have my beauty/spa outlet where I also sell cosmetics and ladies accessories. I do the three daunting task effectively. It’s all about good management. I have my schedule for everything I do. Mondays are meant for my radio presentation, every other days are for my business and acting. If it wants to clash, I drop one for the other, that’s how I manage it and it’s been working for me. I think in the next five years I hope to see myself fully established in my beauty business (possibly a beauty empire). I will like the name “Oma” to be a household name in the movie industry. I see myself running my own beauty show on TV with a complete different concept from what we see on TV these days,” she said.
Her major challenge she won’t forget in a hurry? “That was when early in my acting career. Yeah, I got a role as a chief priestess, I had prepared for it, but on getting to the location, I met them shooting on the street. My role was changed totally to a sophisticated rich lady, wow! I was angry initially but since I like challenges, I picked the script immediately, went to a corner on the street, sat quietly and rehearsed it. It was a lengthy script, I got into the character, carried my lines without missing out any and I delivered it well. The whole crew, director even the camera men were all surprised because many refused to take the role on unprepared that day because of the lengthy lines,” she recalled.

How about lessons life has taught her? “Over the years, I have learnt never to be dependent on anyone. My dad taught me this as I grew up. I believe so much in what I can achieve and make for myself. I believe everything is possible. You just have to make some effort, that’s all.
Her role models in life are “Eucharia Anunobi, Patience Ozokwor, Funke Akindele, Mercy Johnson and Mr Ibu.  They act well and natural,” she said.

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