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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Not having privacy is the life I chose-Moyo Lawal, actress

'Concerning love, I’m in a very dicey situation'
I have overcome my fears of scandalous stories; nothing really gets on me now-Moyo
 Nollywood Moyo Lawal is a soap opera queen you won’t forget in a hurry. She has actually made a great impact in the make-belief world. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she says she  cares less about losing her privacy as an actress and why she is very dicey falling in love.  “Well, concerning love, I’m in a very dicey situation. I’m trying to get over somebody I thought we were going to build something together.  So, I’m healing right now. I’m not searching, I’m healing.”

 I know that my marriage is definitely going to work whenever I get married- Moyo

Moyo what is new about you?
Moyo is alive, Moyo is well and that is the most important thing. That is what is new about Moyo (laughs).
You featured in Halima Abubakar’s  movie  titled Mistresses, what is it all about?
It is a movie that showed the topical issue in the society. It showcased infidelity. It is a topical story I think everybody would be able to relate with. I think it is one that everybody would enjoy and apart from enjoying it, it is something they can actually learn from if they choose to.
As an actress who is versatile, are there some roles you wouldn’t accept no matter the amount at stake?
I’m an actress, yes, acting is my job. There is no role I would not accept. Everything I do, I mean my job is to imitate any character, interpret any character which exists. I mean so far a character exists on this planet earth, I think I should be able to fit into any role and interpret it. So, basically, there is no role I would not be able to interpret.
Even roles that have to do with nudity?
(Laughs) Oh my God, this nudity thing. Well, everything depends on the story, everything depends on the message, everything depends on the entertainment. My job is to entertain and whatever I have to do to entertain is what I would have to do. For instance in Mistresses I played the role of a wife and I did it well. I’m versatile.
What aspect of stardom are you enjoying?
Well, for me, I’m happy that my career is growing. I’m getting more jobs, I’m getting more opportunities to interpret characters that I would love to do. I’m doing what I love to do and I have the opportunity to continue building my career. For me, that is the most important thing and I bring people joy. The fact that people see me and they are just excited based on what I do. They tell me oh my God, that movie I was doing affected their lives, that the character I interpreted inspired their lives, that they would want to treat their husbands the way I did in movies I featured in. For me, those are the things I enjoy most in my career and it brings me so much joy to see people react that way to movies I have done.

How do you feel about the fact that you don’t have privacy? You are like a golden fish that can’t be hidden. How do you feel about this?
It is the life I chose basically. Yes, not having privacy is the life I chose  and I do not have a problem with it. I love my job, I love my life basically. So, if acting means giving up my privacy, then privacy  can go to wherever it chooses to go to. I chose this life and I'm okay with it.

What  scandalous stories about you made you shed tears?

Some scandalous stories? Yes, I would not lie, I have had incidents where I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life and how I was going to move on. But I have been able to overcome that. Right now, I hear people say stuff and I just laugh because I think I have had all my scandalous fears in the past. I have actually moved on. So, basically nothing really gets on me.

Have you ever thought of getting married one day?
Yes, I want to get married. I’m the first child. I will like to make my parents proud. But I still have a career, and for me right now, that is still the most important thing in my life.  When marriage comes, it comes, and when kids come they come.

Aren't you scared with the way marriage is crashing especially with your likes  in the limelight?

No, I’m not scared.  Everything I go into, I give it a hundred and one percent. And whatever I go into, I’m going to stand for it with everything that I have.  So, I know that my marriage is definitely going to work whenever I get married.

So, what qualities are you looking out in your ideal man?

The qualities of my ideal man is basically me having the ability to make him happy. It’s not really about him. It’s more about, can I make him happy? That is all that matters to me. This is the only quality that I require. Can I make him happy?  If I cannot make him happy, then I don’t know.

Can he make you happy? Do you put that into consideration?
If I can make him happy, then I am happy.

When are we expecting to hear your wedding bells?

That would be when a husband finds me. I will be here and I will be waiting for him.

Who is right now occupying the love zone of your heart?
(Laughs) Well, concerning love, I’m in a very dicey situation. I’m trying to get over somebody I thought we were going to build something together.  So, I’m healing right now. I’m not searching, I’m healing.

Oh pity, you had a heartbreak?
Paused and took a deep breath.

What are you actually doing to wriggle out of the pains of the heartbreak?

Well, I just concentrate on work and just do what I can do for my family and people. I try to make others happy because when they are happy, they make me happy. That is how I do my own thing.

When are you bringing out your own movie?
Well, everything depends on God. I’m working towards it, I’m hoping for the best. I’m certainly working on some things. I wouldn’t want to start spilling any milk. It is one step at a time. I’m cementing my footstep from time to time.
A bit on your style?
Moyo’s style is simple but marvelous. I love clothes and clothes love me. I love fashion, I love to dress well basically. I love dressing up and dressing up loves me.
What makes you happy?
I’m happy when I fulfill my responsibilities, my obligations to other people. I’m happy when I have done my duties towards you, my obligations towards you. That is when I have contributed my own quota into your life. That gives me joy. I just feel needed, I just feel fulfilled. That for me is my own source of happiness.
What are those obvious  lapses in Nollywood?
In every industry, we have lapses. We are working on our lapses. I would want to leave those lapses wrapped. After all, you are not going to tell lapses that your own industry have. We are a job in progress, we are people in progress. We are young Nollywood working towards making things better and that is all about us. We can only get better. Don’t worry about our lapses, we are covering it up.

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