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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Secret of my good looks? Never to worry about anything-Chief (DR.) Opral Benson, Iya Oge of Lagos

'There is much nudity these days than our own days'

In my hey days, I used to wear timeless dresses

Call her a fashion aficionado, and you are right. Or a beauty pundit, you are still in order because she is a pioneer in professional beauty care. Or better still the Iya Oge of Lagos, and she is at home with that because that is her title and the patron of Fashion designers Association of Nigeria. Chief (Dr) Opral Mason Benson is the Chairperson of Johnson products of Nigeria Limited. She started the Chic Afrique Beauty Company in 1980 and the Opral Benson Beauty Training Institute in 1985 when she clocked 50. She pioneered the holding of trade fairs exclusively for the cosmetics and fashion industries. This amiable woman of style told ADAEZE AMOS in this interview that nudity is very rampant now amongst younger women unlike what was obtainable in her own time as a young lady.
You are 80 and you are strong enough to  wear high-heeled shoes and look this good, what are you doing right?
The secret is that I’m a hard worker. Yes, I’m working very hard. I never relented, I never relaxed or rested. I’m ever active, always on the go.
Always on the go to do what?
I’m ever ready to promote the beauty industries and fashion industry. I have a none governmental organization.  And I have  various organizations that I do which I use to keep myself very busy. But most importantly, I don’t worry about anything.
Not worrying about anything, does it add to a woman’s good looks and good health?
Yes, I think it helps a lot. That helps you not to develop early wrinkles. You know when you worry a lot, your whole body system is also worried and that reflects on you.
As a beauty expert, what are those beauty rituals you do to look good?
Are you sure I’m really looking good (looks at herself)?
Yes, even at your age you still wear high-heeled shoes?
Okay now I believe you. You have your eyes wide open on me. Well, I still try my best to do some little exercises. I eat well. I don’t have any special beauty routine but whatever I need to do to look good, I do it. My life is very simple and hard work is a must in my life. That is all I do.
Some women after getting married or when they attain to some age feel it is no longer necessary to look good or be fashionable. What is your opinion on this?
I don’t think that is proper. I don’t believe that should be the case. I think every woman should take good care of herself whether single or married. Take good care of yourself and look as presentable as you can all the time.
What are some fashion blunders amongst our women that put you off?
Nudity! Oh there is much nudity these days or haven’t you observed it? I think the fashion blunder common these days is body exposure. Our young ladies are exposing too much. Please help me tell them to start covering up. I mean nudity is becoming very rampant. There is much nudity these days than our own days.
You are the ‘Iya Oge’ of Lagos, what makes your style stand out?
My style is comfort. That stands me out. Wearing something that I feel comfortable in and that makes me appear respectful and responsible before people.
What is your opinion on colour-blocking trends?
There is nothing wrong with colour-blocking trends. Young ladies are free to play with colours  provided they look good in colours of their choice.
Where is your tattoo?
Tattoo? No, I don’t have any on me. I don’t think having tattoo on me is necessary. It is not because of my religion but I don’t need tattoos on me.
In your hey days, what styles were you crazy about?
My styles have not really changed much although to some people they would regard such styles as very conservative  if compared with today’s trends. But I think there are styles that are timeless. Dresses that have been there in the fashion radar and they are still being worn till date. Those are the styles I used to wear in my hey days. And I still wear them till date.
Did you wear minis in those days?
Yes I did. I wore minis but mine weren’t as short as the ones today’s young ladies wear now. Ours were a little bit short but never as bad as the ones today’s ladies wear. Then in our minis, nothing was showing. But it is no longer like that now. I still repeat, there is too much exposure now. I pray our young ladies reduce their rate of nudity. A lady can be properly covered up and still look trendy. Exposing your body would not make you more fashionable, it wouldn’t make you trendier or prettier. It would rather attract the wrong kind of men to you. It’s always good to dress to appear decent and not tacky.
Do you find time to exfoliate?
Yes I do, just like others do. I don’t do anything extraordinary. I have a beauty institute. It is 30 years old now. It is where I teach ladies and gents how to take care of themselves. And then I practice what I preach by doing the things I teach them just to look good. I don’t only teach how to take care of the face alone, but how to care for your nails, your skin, hair, I mean body care generally.
What thrills you in life?
Making others happy thrills me.
When you are down what do you do to derive your inspiration?
I pray to God and he lifts me up. I don’t joke with prayers.
What is your life philosophy?
Do on to others as you would like them do on to you.
You are the life patron of Fashion designers Association of Nigeria (FADAN), can you reach out to FADAN?

I think FADAN should continue its good work. They should continue to add power to the fashion industry by training more young people. I counsel them to help promote Nigeria by helping to create jobs for the people.

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