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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Marriage came and I grabbed it, not missing the opportunity-Queen Onakala, musician

‘My hubby doesn’t frown at my dress sense; I wear the shortest mini’

‘I don’t have tattoo on me; I want to make heaven'
She is a fashionista, a celebrity,  an afro soul music diva, a mother of two, a wife, a public Administration graduate of University of Abuja. She hails from Umuahia in Abia state, was born in Enugu but was raised in Abeaokuta in Ogun state. Little wonder she speaks Yoruba language fluently. Welcome to the world of Queen Onakala whose stage name is spelt as Kween. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, the Jebele-Jebele crooner unveils her style, musical career and her life as a mother/ wife and her efforts to make heaven at the end of her sojourn   on earth

Can I step into your world?
Yeah, you are welcome. I was born in Enugu state but I grew up in Ogun state, in Abeaokuta to be precise. But I hail fom Umudashingo, in Ohuhu Local government Area, Umuahia in Abia state. Because I grew up in Abeaokuta, I speak Yoruba language very well. My growing up was fun. It was my best years. I had nothing to think about. I was always happy. My parents were providing everything for me. That was the kind of life I had. It was a happy young life. My father used to be a soldier, that was why he moved to Ogun state as a Warrant Officer. And then, my mum was a housewife but she did some office work as well.
When did you start developing passion for music?
That was from hearing and listening to music. From being in places where music was played like church and listening to music on radio and television. That was when my love for music started .
Your first time as a musician, can you relieve it?
It was something that was beautiful. It was something that was engaging me, it was something that had beautiful melody and I felt like continuing with it. I just loved it.
What was the very track that brought you to the limelight?
Well, people said Jebele. So, I think Jebele brought me to the limelight.
What motivated the song?
My experiences, people’s experiences with relationships
Was it heartbreak you had or what?
Yeah, ehm, yeah, we all had heartbreak.
What happened and what did you do to wriggle out of the pain?
I think the first major way to avoid heartbreak  is not to be stupidly in love. Let me start from this. Watch it when you are falling in love, don’t be studidly in love I repeat. You should see the signs when someone is taking you for a fool and get out of it when you need to, or before you get hurt. But if you get hurt eventually, it is a pain that had to be there, you have to let it take its course and allow it to heal naturally. Meaning that it heals with time, so just let the pain take its course. So, what I did to prevent heartbreak is to be wiser. I refused being taken for granted. I guarded my heart so much that nothing penetrated into it .
Is this not easier said than done? Did you refuse to fall in love even when someone you admired and want to have came?
Well, this does not concern me anymore now. I’m not searching because I have been married for some years now. So, I’m out of that circle. But of course, life is not a particular pattern, we should be wise enough or equip yourself enough not to fall into same dilemma that you have been through before
How do you combine your musical career with motherhood and your duties as a wife?
I do this successfully because I’m a smart woman and because I know what I want. I’m not fooling myself. Some things have to come in one’s  life and fortunately  marriage came, I grabbed it  and I did not miss the opportunity, I went for it.
Some husbands get jealous when their spouses are more famous, is yours like that?
No he is not like that. He is not jealous one bit. I had my life in my music world, he met me that way and he appreciated  it and allowed me to be free. Even till date, he allows me do what I want to do.
Does he frown at your dress sense? Some crazy things you wear at times?
No, he doesn’t. I wear whatever I want to wear. I can wear the shortest mini in the whole world, he doesn’t frown at that. Whatever I want to wear, he allows me, he is at home with it.
Is marriage a bondage?
No, not at all, why then did I get married? I knew it had never been a bondage. If you are spending your life with someone you actually love, you will attest too that marriage is sweet.
What was it about him that fascinated you?
He is a very good man, he has got a good heart.
You are a mother of two sons and your waistline is still intact, what are you doing right?
I don’t know what I’m doing right, I have to be honest with you. I really don’t know because with pregnancies, every tummy goes that big. Yes, my tummy was  too big when I was pregnant. I guess basically the secret is being able to take good care of yourself, eating right and not skipping your exercises, not being lazy because if you sit at a place and begin to eat, you will add much weight.
How is motherhood?
It’s fun, it’s the most fulfilled thing that I have ever done in my life. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I enjoy everyday of it. I enjoy to discipline them, I enjoy to buy them gifts, I enjoy to see them smile, I enjoy to scold them when they misbehave. Just everything that has to do with motherhood makes me happy.
Some women fail to take care of themselves once they are married, they feel it’s no longer necessary, what’s your opinion on this?
It is wrong. Before and after marriage, I just felt you should look good. A woman should make herself look good because looking good is feeling good. I think it’s something that should come naturally to women.
What are some of your beauty rituals?
Remember that looking good is a gift from God. It’s not just the physical look. I think it comes from the inside because when you feel good about yourself, good people would want to be around you. You ooze an aura of goodness. So, for me, the things I like to do to make myself look good and happy is to get enough sleep, take good care of my skin and eat well.
Can you define your style?
I love clothes that have crimps, like African fabrics, I do that a lot. I also like to fuse western and African together. That gives me unique look.
What is your style signature?
I think it’s my hairstyle. I wear a lot of afro.
Where is your tattoo?
I don’t have any tattoo on me and I don’t intend to have any. I know it’s somewhere in the Bible that you should not have any mark on your body. You know, me too I want to make heaven.
You want to make heaven? What efforts are you making for that?
I try to obey the ten commandments. I try to be in God’s presence regularly, listen to His words and pray. In fact, I go to church on a regular basis and I have been this way for long. I’m a Christian, I follow Christian doctrines. I believe if one does all these, be good to your fellow human being, be the best you can be even if you are not perfect, God will have mercy on you.
For how long have you been married?
I have known my hubby for over ten years but we have been married for three years.
What have you been doing right to keep your marriage?
I commit everyday of my life and my marriage to God and He has been sustaining me.
Do you cook for him or you employed a cook?
I cook for him. No one cooks for me. I cook honestly (nodding). I’m a very good cook. No one does that for me. I cook for my kids as well. It is my duty as a wife.

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