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Thursday, December 17, 2015

I contested with 40 white beauty queens and I won the crown-Vivian Oghale Agahro, Miss Globe 2012

Vivian Oghale Agahro from Oleh Isoko South Local Government in Delta state is ex- Miss Globe. The third in the family of five. This stunning beauty who is a graduate of Theatre arts from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers state tells ADAEZE AMOS how she beat 40 white queens silly to have the beauty crown
What are your statistics?
I’m five feet seven inches tall, dark complexioned and I have brown eyes. My statistics are 32, 30, 38.
What do you like to do when you are less busy now that you are a queen?
On a lighter note, I love to sleep because  it is the only way I relax. Sleeping puts me in a surrealistic state where everything is possible. I also love to dance.
What is your favourite food and colour?
 My favourite food is rice and my best colour is pink
Did you ever envisage being a beauty queen when you were much younger?
Actually, I never did because I was just like every growing child. When I was in my early teens, I got people telling me you are going to become a beauty queen or model someday because of my features.  I accepted what they said in good faith. So, as I grew up, I decided to give pageantry a shot.
Was your dad in support of this?
Yes he was. In fact, he was the one who actually got me my first pageantry form in 2004 but I have forgotten the name of the pageantry. So, he has always been in support of me participating in beauty pageants.
When did you start to actualize your dream of becoming a beauty queen?
It was in 2006. I was in my first year in the University of Port Harcourt. I took the form to participate in my departmental pageant called Face of ATAS (Association of Theatre Arts Students) and I came out first runner-up.

Aside from Miss Globe beauty pageants which other have you participated in?
I participated in a few like Miss Intercontinental in 2008, Miss Oil and Gas in the same year 2008 and Face of Daniels International beauty Pageant now known as Beauty of Africa Pageant in 2009.
What’s Miss Globe all about?
It is a pageant aimed at bringing different cultures together and promoting peace. It has been on for 20 years and it is ranked as the third biggest pageant in the world.
Where did Miss Globe pageant take place?
It took place in Europe, in four different countries namely Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania. But the grand finale was held in Albania. It had over 40 contestants from different countries and Miss Albania emerged the winner.
Did you feel inferior in the midst of  white beauty queens?
No, I didn’t, not for a second. I even felt superior because I was the only dark-skinned person there. The contestants gave me that feeling of superiority because they always wanted to be around me and it made me very popular on the camp. So, I didn’t feel inferior because black is beautiful and I’m a proud black woman.  Remember  Africa is the cradle of civilization.
What gave you an edge over others?
Favour of God.
As an ex- Miss Globe, what lesson did you learn from that?
Being Miss Globe proved that anybody can rise to any standard in life if he or she works towards it.
What were your duties as Miss Globe then?
My duty was to fly the flag of Nigeria in the international community and locally to promote peace in Nigeria. I also played a mentoring role to young and aspiring beauty queens.
What was your pet project?
My pet project was to carry out a sensitization program about flood that ravaged those living around the coastal area in Nigeria. Secondly, to preach peace to people because without peace there will be no meaningful development in Nigeria. Thirdly I used my office to dissuade the destruction of lives and properties through terrorist activities because terrorism threaten the peaceful co-existence in Nigeria.
Do you have the hope of going for bigger pageants?
If the opportunity presents itself, surely  I would  grab it with both hands.
Who is your boyfriend?
I don’t have a boyfriend, that is not my priority right now.
What is your style?
I’m simple. I don’t move with fashion trends.
Who are the ladies you admire?
Agbani Darego because she was the first Nigerian to win Miss World crown and Omowunmi Akinnifesi former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria.
Any hope of settling down one day or you don’t consider marriage in your agenda?
Sure, I hope to get married one day. That is the dream of every woman. To have a loving family. We must procreate for life to go on.
What then are the qualities of your ideal man?
A good and God-fearing man that will love and respect me.
What is it about beauty pageants that thrill you?
The whole composition, from the audition to life on camp, the experience of meeting different people with different philosophy towards life. The healthy rivalry that characterizes pageantries and above all the grand finale which makes hearts of contestants race like a stallion (laughs).
Finally what is it about life generally that thrills you?

Life presents us with uncertainties, our inability to predict the future thrills me and creates an unprecedented drive in us. Whenever I wake up and think about my family and the grace of God that keeps me going, I smile.

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