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Friday, December 18, 2015

Pregnant mums too should rock Xmas

Need to go for photo shoot? Go! Bumps shouldn’t be a barrier
 Who said you can’t attend that party when you are well and lively just because you are heavy with a child? Or that you can’t step on that red carpet and showcase your swag/style at that glamorous event because you are pregnant? You can do it! 
This is the time you ought to rock your bump after all pregnancy is not a punishment. It is a bundle of joy you are carrying if you must know. So, there should be no gloomy face, no dull moment, no sitting in a corner, brooding and watching others drink, dine and make merry
. Join them, but do yours with care.
Still show your swag, pregnancy shouldn't be a hindrance
Yaya Da Costa on the red carpet

If there is need to go for a photo shoot and strike hot poses, go ahead! Pregnancy shouldn’t be a barrier. Keep the pictures and let them be part of your baby album when you eventually deliver.
Enjoy yourself, engage in whatever makes you happy, after all it is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ we are talking about here. It is the reason for celebration, remember?
So, rock it! You are already blessed that you would soon be a mother. Or  if you get to know the number of women praying, fasting and looking up to God just to carry what you are carrying in your tummy, you would need to walk with shoulder high and thank God continuously . It is indeed a blessing to be counted as one of those carrying human lives.

So, go get colourful maternity dresses to mark the season and rock Xmas like you never did. But with extra care! Take your routinal multivitamins, give alcohol a wide berth, don't sit among smokers and be inhaling it. That makes you a passive smoker.
Kendra rocking it
Kim Kerdashian on the red carpet

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