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Friday, December 18, 2015

I want to settle down but haven't seen the man yet- Joke Jigan, actress

Every part of my body is sexy
Joke Jigan from Ogun state, Ijebu Ife to be precise is a Yoruba movie actress and movie producer whose career looks more like a hobby to her because she enjoys every aspect of it. This Business Management graduate of Lagos State University told ADAEZE AMOS in this interview  her lifestyle as a movie goddess.

How does it feel to be a woman?
 Being a woman for me is sweet. You get to make your hair, play dress up sometimes, get sexy, go to the spa! Gist with friends, look beautiful and I mean you have them cute boys running after you and you just do Shakara and gossip about it with your girls.  To me, being a woman is fun.
Does this mean you would want to come as a woman again if you would have to relieve your life?
 Yes I want to be a woman over and over again. I love being a woman.

As a well known Yoruba movie star, how many movies have you starred in?
 I can't count how many movies I've starred in because honestly I have done a whole lot of movies.  I don't even remember to count the numbers or know the title of them all.  In fact,  I just took a whole lot of scripts out of my car,  so that I won't mix the ones I've done with the ones I’m yet to do. That is the way it is. So, to answer your question I won’t be able to count them one after the other.
 Which of them shot you out?
 That will be Bisola BeyoncĂ© a movie produced by me. So many people were interested to analise the movie. A whole lot of movie lovers loved it and talked about it. It was after it that I started being famous right from the movie location even before the movie was out. The movie was so engaging that people had a whole lot to say about what I wore in the movie, what I did, which scene they loved and so on. That is why even till date I owe a lot of thanks to God that it was a fantastic movie. I’ m happy I featured in that movie, I’m happy I got the lead role and got fame at last because of the way I interpreted my role. I produced but Shola Akintunde wrote it.
 What lesson did you learn from the movie?
 The lesson I learnt from the movie was to remain a happy girl which I have always been. The movie also taught me to always remain who I am and never try to please anybody because it is difficult to please everybody. Hence, I try to be good to people and to be humble. And once I’m okay within myself without my conscience disturbing me, I’m good to go. I don’t give a damn what people say.  Whatever they want to say, they can go ahead it doesn’t disturb me. Remember there is a popular clichĂ© that says "love me or hate me it won't make me or break me. I hold on to that.
 What very role would you turn down?
 There's no role I'll turn down ever again; I’m a seasoned actress and I can act any role.
 How did you develop interest in acting?
 Acting is something I've had in my mind from childhood.  I love acting from day one.  I used to act in school then, even in church I was in drama group. So being an actress is not what suddenly happened. It has been in me since I was a child.
 What did you study?
 I studied Business Management from Lagos State University, LASU.
 What is your most challenging movie role?
 That'll be Ere Ese.  When I got the script I was like I don't think I can do this o!  I don't think I can carry a gun and rub a shop in a movie because when I see people do it and it's not perfect I laugh and say "hmmmmmmn only in Nigerian movie can this happen." So I rejected the script initially but later Shola Akintunde called me and was like Joke you have to be flexible. You are too young to be saying I can't do this or that, do it and let people say what they like. No one is perfect, do it because it's your job and because you can. Don't get distracted because of what people would say. That was when I told one of my assistants to go get the script. I read it and to God be the glory people seem to like it and I saw some good comments on Instagram and Facebook even on bbm. So it was a challenging one for me and I’m glad I did it. God bless Shola Akintunde the producer of  Ere Ese
How daring are you in romance roles?
 Like I said I am flexible, I can be romantic with anybody on set. It's what I do. I don't have to say I can't do this with this actor  or the other one. Who am I to select?
Can you relieve your first experience on a movie set?
 First experience was fun! It was just two scenes and I murdered it
What did you do right to wriggle out of the pains of heartbreak?
Heartbreak was painful when I had it but I got over it. I had my best friends come over to stay with me. I cried couple of times but then I just got over it by telling stories with my friends, going out to shop, I love shopping , went to the pool couple of times and then I cooked a lot. Gradually I was over it. Right now I’m back on my feet single as a pin, very scared of getting into any relationship for now because another heartbreak may just kill me, trust me I know what I’m saying
Do you follow vogue?
 I don't follow vogue that's why I said my style is simple and sexy
 Can you name actresses you admire?
 That'll be Bukky Wright and Toyin Aimakhu
Aside from acting, what else do you do for a living?
 I have a wine shop and I am one of the CEO s of Jigan Security Companies
What part of your body can you flaunt?
 Every part of my body is sexy so I flaunt them all day and all night
Define your style?
 My style is simple and sexy
When you are down, what do you do to derive inspiration?
 When I’m down I pray, when I’m up I pray too that works for me all the time
What lesson has life taught you?
Life has taught me never to put your hopes on anyone , don't listen to critics , always be yourself, be happy, be prayerful, pay your tithe, go to church, never depend on anyone always put God first
What is that style you can’t be seen wearing?
 There's nothing I can't wear as long as I’m comfortable in it
Who lured you into acting?
 Nobody lured me into acting, it's been a dream and I did my findings and got into it myself with the help of my mother.
When are you likely going to settle down?
Yea, of course I want to settle down but haven't seen that man yet but I believe God is working on it
What are those fashion items that form larger part of your wardrobe?

 That will be clothes and shoes.

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