Tamara Eteimo, from
Bayelsa state grew up in Port Harcourt, studied Theater Arts at the University
of Port Harcourt. This screen diva who
started acting in 2011 after
winning The Next Movie Star Reality TV
Show unveiled her lifestyle and dress sense.
Why I chose to act
Well, I chose acting every thing else because it is what I
love, it is what I’m really good at, I have a strong passion for it. I mean I
went to school to study Theater Arts, so what would you expect? Its my life,
acting is my life and that’s why I chose it, studied it and I would do it till
I grow grey hair (giggled).
Movie that shot me to the limelight
Well I would say Desperate House girl kind of worked magic
for me (giggled). You know it was very interesting with Ini Edo and Mary
Lazarus and the story line was amazing. That really did good on my career and
shot me a step higher.
Most scandalous story written about me
There hadn’t been any and I hope to God there isn’t
any. I’m not aware of anyone so far.
What I would have
been aside from acting
If I wasn’t acting I would have been an Air Hostess
(smiled). I love traveling, so it would give me an avenue to see the world at my
own pace.
Movies I have starred
I have starred in
Someone Down The Line, Mrs Somebody, Oyoma, Unblissful, Desperate House Girls,
Finding Mercy and a couple of other movies on Africa Magic such as Green Eyed,
Duty Experience, Out Of The Ghetto which was a very cool one and lot more. I
mean a lot of other productions.
Most challenging
Well, I wouldn’t say any of them particularly was most
challenging but I would say that every job comes with its own challenge, in its
own style and form. And you can never predict what kind of challenge it is
but the truth is that you have to be
able to adapt to whatever situation you find yourself in. And that’s what I
have been doing over the years and I hope to improve on that as an actor, as a
personality and as a brand.
Craziest thing a male
fan has done to me
What is the craziest thing a male fan would do to a woman if
not to ask for her contact and try to get as close to her as possible? Which
doesn’t usually work. I don’t know where they get that idea but hey you can
never tell, anything can happen (giggled). That’s the craziest thing really.
Well I think matters of the heart are things that one can’t
really talk about. So, I wouldn’t want to discuss that. But as they say time
heals all wounds. That’s basically it.
Coping with stardom
This is a really strange question. If your kind of
personality is such that it’s free with everyone then why would it get to your
head? Of course they always say fame comes with it’s own spirit but I hope I
don’t get over taken by that spirit as a person. I would still try and be
myself the nice way I can, the best way I can. I may not be easily accessible
which is normal, we all know that. But in every way, I would try to respond to
as many friend requests on social media as possible. That is the easiest way to communicate with
your fans and people admire your work. And I would try and do that as much as
possible. And not slam any other actor to the face because they are up coming
or they want an opportunity like I got my own opportunities. So, it’s give and
take. You give good, you get good.
Life philosophy
Well, I wouldn’t say life is not a bed of roses, its not
also a bed of thorns. I would say life is what you make of it. So, if you want
it to be a bed of roses, then you have to work to make it a bed of roses and
not to be a bed of thorns and I think that it is, yes!
Nigerian fashionistas
I admire
There are lots of
them I must say but I admire Rita Dominic not just for the fact that she is a
good actress but because she is always picture-ready. And that is what every
woman should try and achieve be you an actress, a super star, a celebrity,
always be picture-ready just like Rita.
Where so many ladies are getting it wrong in the
fashion world
Where I think so many ladies are getting it wrong in the
fashion world is the fact that you try to be somebody else other than yourself especially in what they wear. Not everything you see fits you. It might look
good on one person but that does not mean it would look good on you. So, find
your own niche. So, for every lady, if you want to look good, look good, but
look good for you not for the other person because that is the only way you
would be confident and define your own style.
How I have given
back to society
Well, giving back to society is a gradual process. I mean,
I have been on this for four years which does limit my abilities to give out but
for now foundation and all that is still in the works. Basically it’s just producing
my movies and also giving opportunities for other actors to come and work and
get paid for what they do and get paid well too. Because it is also important,
it is also a form of job availability for those that have anything to do and
are good at what they do. So, yes, in my own little way, its to produce more
movies and create for other actors more jobs. And help people that have passion
in acting as well.
My style
My style is simple, chic but definitely with a sprinkle of star powder because that is who I intend to be, that is
what I intend to make of myself in the nearest future.
Lesson life has taught me
Life has taught me to appreciate every moment it gives, every time spent or not spent well is wasted and gone. So, I appreciate life, I
enjoy every little moment I have with myself and my family because I only have
one strong family that would always be with me till the end.
What thrills me most
about being a celebrity
Because of the amazing treatment I get. Hmm, apart from the
fact that yes I get to meet different
people at different times and also I get to travel a lot and see different
places which causes me to go to different sets during the cause of my job. So,
it’s something I love doing. I could fufill my passion and my love for traveling, my passion for acting and the fact that I also get to look good at
all times especially when stepping out for events and red carpet. The glitz and
glamour just get to me, trust me. Any celebrity gets to such get to them a lot and I love the feeling
it brings with it.
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