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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ghanaian Morgue Attendant Confesses to Sleeping With Female Corpses. 

Sharkur Lucas a Ghanaian mortuary attendant who has worked as a morgue attendant for at least 15 years, confessed on Adom Tv that he has been sleeping with female corpses because of his inability to get a woman of his own. And doesn't see anything wrong with it. In his words;

  “Sometimes if I want to ask a lady out, she will be afraid of me once she hears that I’m a mortuary man and turn me down. But when I’m in the mortuary sometimes, I will see a fresh female corpse and I will satisfy myself,” Sharkur Lucas said.The ladies sometimes say because I work in the mortuary, I will kill them if they accept my proposal. I have not done it once but many many times. Currently I don’t have a wife and since I was born, I haven’t had sex with a fine girl,” 

Working with dead bodies is a talent that God gave me .I’m with the dead bodies every time, everyday and it is as if I’m with another person,” Sharkur said.

watch  video;

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