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Friday, January 30, 2015

My guy must be good looking-Bimbo Thomas, actress.

Bimbo Thomas,  is one actress that loves her acting job with a passion. She starrs in both Yoruba and English movies.

You are known by many as Bimbo Thomas, an actress, but in your own words who exactly are you?
Bimbo Thomas is one simple person that is focused and dedicated. She knows what she wants in life. She is aware of what she is aiming at and she is highly determined, willing and never fails to try. She is daring too. 

More about who you are?
I'm  also a bundle of talent apart from acting. I'm very versatile, there is nothing I can’t put my hands to do and fail to do it well.  Bring it on, I’m never afraid  to try.  I mount the stage  and do something like a musician, then the next minute hold on to be a doctor. So, Bimbo Thomas on her own can do any other thing but my passion lies in acting.

Can you relieve your childhood?
 Growing up was smooth, very encouraging  because my folks are very accommodating and friendly. We related as friends because my mum was close to me and there was nothing I didn’t share with her.  I grew up from a Christian home on the Island, precisely Tinunbu Square. The fact that where I grew up was a bit rowdy, a lot of activities would be going on but at the same time we were on our own. It’s like a white pot in the midst of black pots. My family was very supportive during my childhood. There was nothing I told them I wanted to do that I was never encouraged to do. They were there to encourage me.

When you were young, did you know you would become a known actress? And who was your role model then?
No, I never thought I would be an actress, not even for once. But I knew that I had passion for acting. I never thought of opting for acting as a career. In secondary school, I used to participate in school dramas. I was always being given one role or the other to interpret because of my looks and the way I talked. I was never afraid to express myself. But I honestly never knew that someday, somehow I would be a big actress that everybody would be looking forward to watching her movies. Then, for who my role model was then, I could remember gluing to the TV at home, watching such soap operas as Behind The Cloud, Mirror In The Sun, Cock Crow At Dawn, The palace, to mention but a few. So then. I had such role models as Joke Silva, Ego Boyo, Uncle Bob Manuel. I looked at them oh my God and I was like hey these folks are fantastic. Then, I hadn’t pictured what it was for me to be an actress, maybe because I was shy but I really admired them.

Did you say you were shy?
Yes, I used to be shy and even till date I’m a very shy person. It’s hard for people to believe this but it is true. But when it comes to work, I don’t know, somehow the shyness would just disappear and I would do it. But my normal me I’m a very shy person.

Can you define your style and why did you choose this design of tattoo on your arm?
I can say that my style is me. I owe myself the look. I admire a few fashionistas  and good looks as a whole thrill  me. Whenever I see anything good, I love it. So, my style is me. I define what I want to look like on a daily basis. I do tell a story with my looks. I could look chic, trendy and sexy. Then for my tattoo, yes the design of the tattoo on my arm is crucifix design which symbolizes Christ, passion for Christ. Then if you look closely, there is a  heart design tatoo on me which stands for love. It shows that Christ loves us and for Him to have died for us, he had taken away all our sins and burdens. And he has told us to love as he has loved us. So, I chose this design of tattoo because of the love of Christ. I think by wearing it, even when I’m hurt or someone just hurts me and I want to retaliate angrily, somehow something just tells me that you are wearing crucifix on your arm. If Christ could do this for me, why can’t I just let go and love my fellow human being, regardless. And by so doing, I let the anger go. My tattoo ministers Christ to me.

For how long have you been wearing this tattoo?
I have been wearing it for eight years now and I’m not tired of it. Like I told you, this can take me all through life. That was why I didn’t choose to do any other design such as teddy, butterfly, Chinese language just name it. I chose this, I decided to go do it. It took me time to do it. You can remember it’s been a long time tattoos became in vogue and I did mine just eight years ago. It shows that for me to have taken that much time to do it I would not get tired of it.

You love to flaunt your cleavage right?

Yes, maybe because they are firm and I have no single stretch mark on my boobs.  But some ladies still flaunt flabby ones that have stretch marks. Don’t they know that stretch marks are not meant to be put outside. You see some ladies flaunting cleavage that stretch marks had finished, the boobs had gotten back to where it was formed. Its not worth it. Such a cleavage can’t be sexy. I for instance, stay in front of my mirror and I look at myself and I appreciate myself first before any other  person because I dress up in my room before any other person in my house would see me. After dressing up, I look at myself and I’m like wow! And if I can be convinced within me that I look good, I know that every other comment would be fine. I think ladies should stop flaunting ugly parts of their body. Some have bulky legs and they want to walk it on the runway. I for instance, I’m a chubby lady. My body is firm, subtle and smooth. You would love it. But because I’m bulky and my legs are big, I don’t do shorts. I know the rules of fashion. It puts me off really, when I see some giant, elephantiasis-kind-of legs and you just want to walk it on the red carpet and show them off. It doesn’t make sense to me.

You hit the limelight in a Yoruba movie titled Omo  Ghetto, tell us some of the challenges you scaled through in that movie?

Omo Ghetto is huge. Shooting Omo Ghetto wasn’t easy. It was a whole lot of hard work. The producer Funke Akindele happens to be my good friend and we hang out a lot. When she told me the idea, I told her it was a good one. She told me my character and I knew it was multi-tasking. But one good thing about me is that I’m one person that does extra research with regards to roles that are given to me.  The role I was given in Omo Ghetto, required me to speak slangs, and I didn’t know how to speak slangs and mannerism that goes with slangs. So, what I did was to drive around while planning for the production and I would sit down and watch how boys played football, their slangs, and their mannerism when they scored. I realized that when they scored, they start raining abuses on themselves even while appreciating themselves. Meaning that they were appreciating ironically. All these I gathered. At times, I would go to the market and I would just bargain prices of foodstuff in order to annoy them and see their reactions so as to learn from them. Sometimes, I would purposely annoy bus conductors to see their reactions. All those were the stuff I gathered. While I was doing that, it was stressful for me . Some people would have abused me before they realized I was actually learning and gathering information. You know, we Yoruba people, we are very easy to react. So, having gathered my stuff, when I go to the location, it wasn’t hard. My efforts were not in vain. Omo Ghetto was a success.

When you are being  introduced as a Yoruba actress, does that make you feel restricted?
Do you know I just laugh because I’m not limited to Yoruba movies alone. I have done a lot of English soap operas. I know that most people know that I went to school, I’m a university graduate. Some ask why is she just doing the Yoruba thing. On twitter, on facebook and most of the social network when I chat and people see me posting anything on line, they are like common Bimbo, we don’t want you in  Yoruba movies, come and do English movies. And I’m like I’m not restricted. I have done soap operas such as Once Upon a week, Spider Web to mention but a few. I’m not restricted at all. I go for auditions and now I want to start attending Actors Guild of Nigeria meetings because usually, I don’t attend. Yoruba movie actors are bundle of talents. We are not just tacky as people think we are, no!

How do you cope with stardom and how do you handle male attention?
Its not easy to cope with stardom. People always expect one hundred percent perfection from me. I make sure that I’m conscious of what I do outside. I’m not limited but I try to be conscious. As a role model, there is a way you should conform yourself knowing that people look up to you. People expect you to teach them. Not teaching them in movies alone, they also need to see you as a figure and say that they are emulating you. You should be able to get a balance and manage it. It is hard but I’m trying my best. Now I can’t go to market area just to do stuffs, I can’t even dance in parties. Not that I don’t have my leisure, I have places where I sit down, drink, discuss with friends and have fun but in a subtle and matured way. And not like the usual.
And then for male attention, it is not easy. Sometimes people call you here and there trying to talk to you on the phone, I know how to respond and balance it in such a way that nobody gets offended. Or feel that I’m rude or arrogant. Even on facebook, I get a lot of comments  that are annoying but I control myself because some people want to bring out that anger in me.

How about guys that want to get intimate with you?
I tell them that Uncle no please just appreciate me for who I am. I tell them that if they want to be my fan, be my fan and that is where it ends. I know when and where to draw the line.

Does that mean there is no man in your life and when are we expecting wedding bells?
I know that is where you are going. But really, there is somebody in my life that likes to keep his privacy private. We are cool together. Then for wedding bells, you know it is a very loud thing, when it would ring, you would hear it. All I know is that there is no age barrier in marriage. I know that my parents would expect me to settle down at the right time but at the same time they should consider the fact that I have a target, I just don’t want to rush into marriage and rush out. At the same time, I have my desired man, who is supportive and when we are both ready to say we are going to the altar we do so. Whatever it is we are hopeful. The major thing is that there is a man in my life that makes me happy. And the qualities in him that I like? I like that man that is head tall, brilliant, God-fearing, he must be good looking. This is a must. Good looks does it for me. You don’t have to be handsome just look good but you must not be ugly. And you must know what you are doing, straight forward and open minded. Thank God the man is already in my life, I’m not searching.
What part of your body would you love to flaunt?
My physic, I love it. I’m sexy and I know it. And over time people tell me Bimbo Thomas you have lovely boobs, they are sexy, they are luscious. Some people say that my boobs are wow and I believe they are wow, common.  And for roles that have to do with nudity, I can’t go beyond cleavage. Then of course I can do bikini, why not? I swim and there is this film I shot some months ago, we were in a pool and I had my bikini on, very sexy one. If  you 've got it, flaunt it. I do flaunt it too but I won't go nude.

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