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Thursday, January 29, 2015

I tore my guy's shirt when I caught him cheating on me-Amaka Okere, Nollywood actres.

Amaka Okere is one Nollywood super screen diva who wouldn't condone a guy cheating on her. Her boyfriend once cheated on her, she caught him red-handed and honestly she showed him the other side of her. This is no fiction, it happened in the broad day light on the street of Lagos. Read how she taught the guy a lesson he won't forget in a hurry.

 "I had to beat up my ex-boyfriend whom I  caught red-handed cheating on me. I tore his clothes in pieces in the  public. In fact, I tore his shirt on the street of Ikeja, in Lagos and people were looking at us, This thing happened some two years ago and I'm glad I did that to him. I have no regrets till date treating him that way.What happened was that, the guy was my boyfriend. We had a serious relationship and I trusted him not to ever cheat on me. He made me trust him, he gave me the assurance he would always be there for me alone. So, when I caught him red-handed doing what he promised he would never do to me, I was mad at that moment. I honestly lost my temper and descended on him right on the spot. When I was beating him, I reminded him that  it was over between us. He was shocked I could react that way.And while I was beating him, I destroyed his wrist watch and cut his gold neck chain but he was still begging me. What angered me the more was that he was cheating on me with a girl I'm far bigger than in terms of everything-beauty, class and money. If he had gone for a lady of my own class or calibre, I wouldn't have minded. Honestly, I didn't know I could react the way I did. It was anger that made me react that way. Anger is not good. Let's learn to control our temper. Even his brother and my friend he sent to beg me were all surprised I could react so furiously that I tore his shirt to piece. But somehow when I remember it, I still don't feel sorry for what I did. 


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