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Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Why my marriage is successful"-Chinyere Wilfred, Nollywood super screen diva.

Chinyere Wilfred is a mother of three big boys  and a super-screen goddess. She has stayed up to two decades in the movie world and she is not ready to retire or step aside. She loves what she is doing with a passion and so would not quit. Her staying power, she says, is derived from the fact that she has an understanding husband, who encourages her. She explores her unique world in Nollywood and what she is doing right for her marriage to have lasted the test of time.

As Nollywood is replete with cases of broken marriages, what are the secrets of your successful marriage for over 20 years now?

"Honestly, it is God, it is just God. And marrying the right man. You have to marry the man that is your husband. Sometimes, you get married to somebody that is not your own and along the line it won't work. And you can't do magic. I think I got married to my husband. And God has been involved. Some ladies get married just because of money. That is where the mistake comes in. If you go in just because he is rich or loaded, by the time the load is no longer there, what happens? Marriage is much more than a man being loaded with wealth. It is all about asking God if that is your husband. Marriage has to do with life. It is a life-long thing. Your life partner, for the rest of your life. If you go into it because the guy is in money or that he is loaded, tomorrow, that money might not be there. And that means you would be out when the money is no longer there." 

"Apart from the money, some people are not compatible but they think they are. Along the line, they fall out. One thing or the other would make them fall out which is not the best. I'm not happy when my colleagues marriage is not working. It makes us look as if artistes are not the types that can stay in marriage.  But it is not like that. One thing or the other may not be working well.
That it is working out for ‘A’ does not mean it would work out for B. And if it doesn't work out for ‘B’ doesn't mean that is the way they are all in Nollywood. Actors/actresses are not happy that their marriage is crashing. Every woman wants to be in her husband's house. Nobody is happy that her marriage has crashed. Every woman wants to get married. So, they are not happy when their marriage crash.  That is why they still long to get married again. But the major thing is, marry your husband, not for money. Let it be for love."

Some men just marry for the simple reason that a lady is a star, what is your opinion on this?

"Well, I don’t frown at this. What I frown at is that you marry a lady because she is doing well in her acting career and when she now becomes your wife, you don’t support her. When she goes on location and comes back late, you frown and complain bitterly. But before you married her, you knew about her career and now you are full of complains about her stardom and all that. This pisses me off."

How do you cope with scandals and rumours that go with what you do?

"Yes, I have had my own share of ugly rumours. But I have never cried over any false and scandalous rumour about me. I honestly do feel sad about them. It is really painful; at times, when you see some scandalous stories written about you,  oh my God, it is honestly very painful. Please, I will like to say it openly here that if you hear any story about me, first call me and hear my own side, I'm not saying you shouldn't publish but hear my own views too. It would please me if you call me on the phone to hear my own version of any rumour about me. If I fail to pick your calls, please do send text message, I would definitely respond."

But despite all the ugly rumours and scandals, do you still enjoy what you do?

"Oh yes; I do enjoy what I do. It's my job and I do enjoy the job. Whatever  it is that  they say or do would not stop me from doing my job. I love my job. No ugly rumour about me or scandal would stop me from acting; I love it. This is one profession that I have passion for." 

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