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Thursday, January 29, 2015

'Tattoo is actually a bad spirit, once you have one, you will feel like having more and more-Anita Joseph, actress.

'Tattoo is actually a bad spirit, once you have one, you will feel like having more and more-Anita Joseph, actress
Though she looks bad, weird and crazy with assorted designs of tattoos at the obvious parts of her body, but she is not that bad after all. Though her appearance at a quick glance may seem loud but there is this humane/gentle  part of her which you can only observe when you get closer her. It's true she interprets hot, sexy and crazy movie roles very well, but she keeps hammering on the fact that she is not as bad as people think. "But I'm not like that. I'm calm. I don't even drink nor smoke. I'm not as bad as people think I am, believe me. The real me is good, calm and humble," she says.

Anita you keep glowing all the time, what exactly is your beauty ritual?

"Well, nothing much, I have been there, refusing to be lazy. I have been working and blessing God. That is why I have been looking good.

What have you been up to lately?

I have been doing movies, a lot of movies

You have added so much weight Anita, what happened? You no longer go to the gym?
Well, I think so because I don't even eat much. I do go to work early in the morning and come back late and that is when I eat. So, I wonder why I'm adding weight. It could be that I have relented in my exercises. I have not been working on my body because of work. When  I go out very early in the morning and come back late at night, I eat just anything I lay my hands on not considering whether it's fattening or not. That is what made me add so much weight,"

What is your greatest fear in life?


Why failure and not even death?

"The fear of failing keeps me awake and on my toes. I love success. I love to succeed in all that I do. I don't ever want to fail."

Is there any role you would turn down not minding the amount at stake?

Oh yes, when you tell me to bare it all, as in go nude, I won't take it.

But you can bare it a little, you know what I mean? 

It depends, I can do a bum shorts and bikini  but baring it all? Nay!"

Some people see you as one of the craziest actresses in Nollywood, how does that make you feel?

"Not bad! Yes, I know I'm one of the hottest, craziest actresses in Nollywood. I think it is because of my look. You know, sometimes when someone comes out, you think that the person is bad because you have a great body, you do weird hair styles and because of the kind of things you wear, they think you are indeed weird. But inside  you, they don't really know you. Another thing is the kind of roles I take up. People who don't really know me think I'm associated with the crazy roles I interpret. There was a movie I did where I played the role of a striper. I wasn't the only striper in the movie. Me, Funke Akindele and some other ladies too played the role of stripers. Pete Edochie was also in that movie. So, people think that is real me, but that is not how I go about opening my body. I'm not like that. I'm calm. I don't even drink nor smoke. I'm not as bad as people think I am. The real me is calm, good and humble. In movies you could see me smoking. But if you watch well, you would know I don't even know how to smoke like an expert. But then, after puffing it, I would go back home and start having headache".

How daring are you in romance movies?

"I do every of my role very well. I handle them very well. In as much as the fact that acting is all about pretence, I still do it so well that you think it is real. So, when I'm acting, you at home would be feeling the romance but we that are delivering it don't feel anything.

There are lots of handsome Nollywood guys, so in romance movies, who would you love to be paired with?
I can be paired with anybody as long as the person is a good actor. I will be there to deliver my role. Even if the person is an up-comer, I don't care. What I care for is whether he can deliver".

But all the same who is the best guy you have ever kissed in Nollywood ?

"Well...(giggles), I won't  tell you that right now but if your tape is off, I can confide in you and tell you. But because your tape is on, sorry I won't tell you. I'm a very shy person but a lot of people may not know".

What are the qualities of your ideal guy?

"I don't want a very rich guy because if he is very rich, I won't see him at home".

Wouldn't  you want someone that will be giving you enough money for your upkeep?

"Well, I want a rich guy but I wouldn't want him extremely rich because he won't be there for me always. I want a man that would  be at home. I want to be able to call him and he would say to me baby I'm coming home. I wouldn't want to call him and he says baby I'm in a meeting and through out the whole night, he won't be home. But all the same, I want a financially comfortable man. But he has to be dark. I don't like light skinned guys."


 He has to be dark and tall

With correct biceps?

Sure, you know what I mean.

When are you expecting your wedding bells to toll?

Very soon.

Many people know you as Anita Joseph but when you introduce yourself, you may have many more things to say about your person. So, who exactly is Anita Joseph?

Well Anita Joseph is an actress. I used to model even before acting. I also sing. I come from a family of ten (seven girls and three boys). I'm from Nsugbe in Anambra state which I call small London. I graduated from the University of Calabar and I studied Linguistics."

Can you define your personal style?

"I wear anything that fits me at anytime but it all depends on the event. You can see I look different today".

You look all covered up today, why?

"I don't expose my body much these days. It is now out dated to expose your body. Yes, half-nakedness is outdated."

What part of you do consider sexy?

"My body is sexy and I flaunt it. But today I'm properly covered and I still look good."

You were advising ladies not to use soap to wash their private parts but that they should just use water, why?

"Yes, don't use soap to wash your private parts. Just use water. Water is natural, just use water alone without soap. Some ladies I told this asked me if they would not smell if they use only water. To such ladies I say they would not smell when they wash well. You know that water doesn't have enemy. There is a chemical in soap that could cause vaginal cancer according to medical experts."

When you want to unwind, what do you do?

"I don't go out much. I love to be in my house. But I attend parties once in a while"

What is your most striking prayer point?

"God's wisdom".

Not money?

"Nope. If I have wisdom, I would have money. Because I would have the wisdom to apply so as to get more money."

Do you intend to produce your own movies?

"No, not now. I have a lot of things to do. So, I don't have time for that".

How about your music, how has it been fairing?

I have some singles that I'm working on. There is something going on in my life that I need to put straight. So the music side is pending for now. Movies have taken better part of me".

You once told me you were tired of tattoos, how come you had another on your neck?

Oh that one has been there for long. I'm tired of tattoos. Honestly, I don't like tattoos anymore because tattoos are very addictive. When you do one, you want to do another one. But I thank God that I have been able to hold myself without adding more tattoos on me. Because it is actually a bad spirit. Once you have one, you will feel like having more and more. I keep saying it that tattoos are addictive but I realised this of late. If I had known this initially, I wouldn't have opted for it. Once you opt for one, there is a spirit inside of tatoo that would be telling you, do another one. Do more and more and before you know it you will have many tattoos on your body. That is why you see some people having up to ten different designs of tattoos on their body. I think there is something spiritual about it. I for instance, when I did the first one on my neck, I went ahead and had another one on my arm, my back, my boobs. I was always feeling like having more and more. The last one I wanted to do was on my lower abdomen, just below my belly button. But suddenly, I stopped after realising myself. I now know that there is a force behind tattoo. Little wonder it is hard to see a person with just one tattoo. This is because if you do one, you would want to do more and more. The force pushes you to do more and more. But now, the force is no longer in me. If I should have my way, I would like to clean all of them. I'm tired of my tattoos to be frank.

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